3. Select the address of the transponder you want to track on the active
throttle on your DT400 (the one with the flashing smoke icon). Find
can only be active for one address at a time.
4. Press the FIND Key
, the display will show a screen similar to
one of the following examples:
5. Find will remain active until you press the FIND Key again to disable
find mode.
21.0 Shut Down and Resume Procedures
Some users prefer to “dispatch” or release all addresses active in their system
before shutting down. This can prevent unexpected results when you power up
the layout again. This procedure is covered in detail in Section 14.1.
1. Turn track power off: Press the PWR Key
followed by the N -
This example shows a DT400 in FIND
mode for address 1652 selected on the
R Throttle. The system sees address 1652
in Zone 0010. When address 1652 moves
to another Zone, the display will automatically
update to show the new Zone location.
This example shows a DT400 in FIND
mode for address 03 selected on the
L Throttle. The system is not able to
find address 03 so there is no display
after the <Zn. Either the loco or rolling stock
with address 03 is not present on the layout
or it does not have a transponder or it is
located in a zone that does not have a
transponder receiver.