25.1 DT400 Option #1
25.1.1 Ballistic or Straight Line Tracking
With ballistic tracking, the faster you increase or decrease the the throttle knob,
the faster the data changes in the throttle. When ballistic tracking is enabled, so
are typematic keys. With typematic keys, when you press and hold the Y +
or N -
Keys, the values will continue to increase or decrease without
having to do a separate key press for each increment. Your DT400 was shipped
with ballistic tracking as the factory default setting.
With straight line tracking each movement of the throttle knob causes a fixed
rate of change. When you use straight line tracking, typematic key action is off.
This means that you must press each key once to cause an action.
25.1.2 Key & Knob Clicks On/Off
DT400 can be set up to click each time you press a key or turn one of the
knobs. Some users like to have this auditory feed back and others don’t. Your
DT400 was shipped with key & knob clicks enabled.
25.1.3 Local/Global Stop
DT400 can be set up to handle stop commands globally or locally. The default
is local control.
With local stop, when the EMRG STOP Key is pressed once the loco on the
active throttle will stop and when the EMRG STOP Key is pressed a second
time, the loco on the other throttle knob will stop. To resume operation, use the
throttle knobs to increase speed of the locos from 0.
With global stop enabled, pressing the EMRG STOP Key will stop all locos on
the layout and you will see the DT400’s Track Power Indicator blinking on and
off. To resume operations, press the PWR Key followed by the Y+ Key to
return locos to their speed prior to the EMRG STOP.