log on to the system where it left off. If the addresses previously in-use on the
throttle have not been selected by other throttles the wayward DT400 will auto-
matically re-log on to the purged locomotives and their status will be changed
back to in-use.
In the case of both tethered and tetherless operation with IR and Radio throt-
tles, the throttles periodically send a message to the system to keep them
logged in to the system so that their locos selected are not purged. Note: See
Sections 22.0 & 23.0 for “Infrared Tetherless Operation of the DT400.”
16.2 Address Purging Strategy
The DB150 automatically purges in-use loco addresses that have not received
an update from a throttle communicating with LocoNet after a predetermined
amount of time. Purging changes the decoder status to common and this makes
the address available for other throttles to select and run. This safety feature
allows other throttles in the system to gain control of engines that may have
been left running unattended by an operator.
By setting option switches 13, 14 & 15 in the DB150 you can customize
how your system handles purging:
1. The DB150’s default purge time is about 3 1/4 minutes (200 seconds).
2. Purge time can be increased to 10 minutes (600 seconds) by setting
the DB150’s option switch 13 to closed (OpSw 13=closed).
3. Purged locomotives can be set to stop automatically when purged by
setting the DB150’s option switch 15 to closed (OpSw 15=closed).
4. Purging can be disabled completely by setting the DB150’s option
switch 14 to closed (OpSw 14=closed).
See Section 26.0 for information about setting DB150’s option switches.
17.0 Decoder Status
The command station assigns status codes to each locomotive address in the
system. Addresses are either selectable or not selectable. Decoders are not
selectable if they are in-use on another throttle or if they are part of a consist. If
you try to select an in-use address, you will be prompted to “Steal” the address.
If you select a decoder that is part of a consist, you will be able to send func-
tion commands but you won’t be able to control its speed or direction. The text
line in the DT400 display will show top, cn or mid if the address is part of a
consist, otherwise it will show stat. This display is followed by the status code
for one of the following modes of operation.