The information contained here are property of DIGITAX Automotive Electronics Italy, and extremely confidential. Any disclosure, copying, distribution to third party
is strictly prohibited.
Timers 1-2-3-4 offsets are accumulated?
Are timer's 1-2-3-4 offsets to be summed or only the last set offset is used?
No / Yes
Keep for all the trip the start progdate offset?
If yes, offset generated by progdates at start is freezed and not changed if the prgdates are no more active during trip
In case Night/Holiday extras are added on Flag drop, have to be added also on Min. trip amount?
No / Yes
If Q36=Yes, count wait.time only below cross speed?
When distance is disabled in Hired mode (Q.36=Yes), then wait.time has to be always counted or only below
cross speed?
No / Yes
Disable auto-shutoff if car-lights are ON? -
In Stopped with auto-shut-off disabled the taxi-meter will allways remain ON. In case auto-shut-off is enabled the taxi-
meter will switch OFF automatically after the amount of time programmed in Q.284. The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: enabled) or: 1 (Yes: disabled).
No / Yes
Enable the light-test?
When this option is enabled then in case of an error the message 'ERROR' 'LIGHT' will appear on the display. The light-test is done on the
moment of passing from Stopped to Hired. The lights tested are: TAXI, light 1 to light 4. The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: disabled) or: 1 (Yes: enabled).
No / Yes
Block the taxi-meter on light-error?
- At the end of the current fare should the taxi-meter be blocked in case of a light-error?
The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: don't block) or: 1 (Yes: block).
No / Yes
Enable the display-segment-test?
- When this option is enabled then in case of an error the message 'ERROR' 'DISPL' will appear on the display. The display-segment-
test is done on the moment of passing from Stopped to Hired. The lights tested are: TAXI and light 1 to light 4.
The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: disabled) or: 1 (Yes: enabled).
No / Yes
Block taxi-meter on disp.-segment-error?
- At the end of the current fare should the taxi-meter be blocked in case of a display-segment-error?
The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: don't block) or: 1 (Yes: block).
No / Yes
Disable the display-dim function? -
The possibility to dim the display should be disabled? General: the allowed answer is either:
0 (No: enable dimming)
or: 1 (Yes: disable dimming). The intensity itself can be programmed with Q.198.
No / Yes
Intensity displ.-dim function is 50% or 75%?
: NOT USED for F2 Plus
Fixed Cross-speed:
the calculation of the cost of a fare is either based on time or based on distance.
Below a certain speed it is convenient to calculate the fare cost based on time (and not on distance). Above that speed however it is convenient to calculate the fare
cost based on distance (and not on time). This speed is the so called cross-speed. At this speed the calculated cost is the same for both time and distance.
The velocity is given in Km/h with an accuracy of 1 km/h or 1 mi/h (see Q272)
If this question is set to 0 (default) the cross speed is automatically calculated based on Q.2/3/4 and Q.5/6/7.
A fixed cross-speed can be obtained by programming a value between 1 and 191.
If instead the question is programmed to value 192, the cross speed is disabled and the taximeter always counts distance and time, at the same time.
It operates in “D” mode (Double Mode).
0 - 191
Alarm-velocity speedometer:
this is the velocity above which an acoustical alarm-signal is produced.
If the (over-) velocity is maintained for at least 5 sec. Then it gets registered in the statistics. The alarm-velocity is given in Km/h or mi/h with an accuracy of 1 (see Q272).
The allowed value goes from 0 (min) to 255 (max). The value 0 is a special case (default). If 0 is programmed then the alarm speedometer is disabled.
0 - 255
Speedometer velocity-step:
this is the step-amount (of velocity) with which the threshold of the speedometer gets decremented or incremented every time key K3 (dec.)
or key K4 (inc.) is pressed. The velocity-step is given in km/h or mi/h with an accuracy of 1. (see Q272)
The allowed value goes from 0 (min) to 255 (max).
Enable manual setup of speedometer? -
Should the possibility to setup the speedometer manually be enabled?
The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: disabled) or: 1 (Yes: enabled).
No / Yes
Show real-time speed on display?
- Should the real-time speed of the car be shown on the secondary display?
No / Yes
Show distance on display?
- Should the (real-time) distance of the car be shown on the secondary display?
No / Yes
Unit Distance is programmed in cents of a meter?
If yes, unit distance resolution is 1 cent of meter (or yard), else it is 1 tenth of meter (or yard)
No / Yes
Unit Waiting Time is programmed in cents of a second?
If yes, unit time resolution is 1 cent of a second, else it is 1 tenth of a second
No / Yes
During sums, extras insertion is not allowed?
No / Yes
During sums, locks K4 (to avoid summing time to be extended)
No / Yes
Disable the sum separation with K4?
No / Yes
Starting-hour of dim-function:
this is the moment (whole or half hour) starting from which the display will be dimmed (according to Q.197 and Q.198). The time is given
in whole hours with an accuracy of 1 hour. The allowed value goes from 0 (min) to 23 (max). It is also possible to specify half hours. In order to do this add 100 to the
programmed value. For example, to program the hour 22:30 use the value 122.
No / Yes
Ending-hour of dim-function:
this is the moment (whole or half hour) starting from which the display will have normal intensity (according to Q.197 and Q.198). The
time is given in whole hours with an accuracy of 1 hour. The allowed value goes from 0 (min) to 23 (max).
It is also possible to specify half hours. In order to do this add 100 to the programmed value.
For example, to program the hour 22:30 use the value 122.
No / Yes
Enable taxi-light ON in day-time?
- Should it be possible for the taxi-light to be ON during the day-time?
The allowed answer is either:
0 (No: disabled) or: 1 (Yes: enabled).
No / Yes
The taxi-light must flash? -
If Yes the taxi-light will flash. The allowed answer is either: 0 (No: no flash) or: 1 (Yes: flash).
No / Yes