The information contained here are property of DIGITAX Automotive Electronics Italy, and extremely confidential. Any disclosure, copying, distribution to third
party is strictly prohibited.
Power Supply (Vcc):
Operating Range: 9 to 16 V
Range of device constant:
k = 500 pulses/km to 99999 pulses/km
Resolution of device constant:
1 pulse/km
Range of time tariff:
0.1 s/unit to 6553.5 s/unit or 0.01 s/unit to 655.35 s/unit
Resolution of time tariff:
0.1 s/unit or 0.01 s/unit
Range of distance tariff:
0.1 m/unit to 6553.5 m/unit or 0.01 m/unit to 655.35 m/unit
Resolution of distance tariff:
0.1 m/unit or 0.01 m/unit
Odometer Transducer Input:
input range:
0 to 16 V
level for LOW voltage:
0 V - 0.3 V
level for HIGH input:
6 V to Vcc
maximum frequency:
7 KHz (with k=99999)
high voltage trigger:
high - low transition
Passenger Sensor:
Input range:
0 to 12 V
maximum level for LOW input: 1.4 V
Taxi Light Output:
Maximum Current:
2 A
Output Voltage:
Lights Outputs:
Maximum Current:
1 A
Output Voltage:
Printer Power Out:
Maximum Current:
direct from Vcc input
Output Voltage:
RS-232 serial ports:
Standard COM1, COM2