InfoServer 150 System Overview
The InfoServer 150 system is a general-purpose disk storage server that
quickly and efficiently transfers data between disks connected to the server
and remote network client systems. It provides users with a low-cost data
sharing capability that is flexible and easy to manage. Figure 1–1 shows the
InfoServer 150 system enclosure.
Figure 1–1 InfoServer 150 System Enclosure
D r i v e L a b e l s
C o m p a c t
D i s c D r i v e
M K V - X 3 1 0 5 - 9 1
The InfoServer system can support many diverse applications. For
example, VMS and other client systems can share software distribution and
documentation on compact discs connected to the server. Some VAX systems
can use the server to load their bootstrap program and then to perform a
VMS operating system installation from a compact disc in the server.