DC-530 Operation Manual
External Devices: Printers, PCs, Scanners and Scales
The DC-530 Counting Scale is equipped with three RS-232C ports that allow the scale to communicate with an
external printer, a PC, or a barcode scanner plus an additional port for the setpoint output. The DC-530 also
offers an option (Part No. 94911) for a second scale channel that will allow you to connect a second platform
with up to four 350 ohm load cells.
Figure 7-1. DC-530 Ports
Printer Connection
External printers are connected to the RS232C-2 port on the DC-530 (see Figure 7-1). Because the DC-530
downloads label formats to external printers in some circumstances (see Section 7.2 below) external printers
should be connected to the DC-530 and powered on before powering up the DC-530. The type and configuration
of the printer cable needed will vary by printer. Below are the pin assignments for the connectors to the external
printers that can be specified in SPEC 09 - External Printer Type.
Zebra LP2824
To use the Zebra LP2824 Printer with your DC-530 (or a printer that emulates the LP2824), set the scale’s
specifications as follows:
SPEC 03 - Printer Model to 0100
SPEC 09 - RS232C1 Baud Rate to 0010
SPEC 10 - RS232C2 Parity Bit/Stop Bit/Data Length to 1001
SPEC 55 - Download Print Format to 0001
The DC-530 can be connected to an external printer using the RS-232C-2 port on the scale. You can order a
printer cable from the DC-530 to the LP2824 by ordering Rice Lake Part No.
Figure 7-2. Connection from Scale to Printer
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