DIETA SOUPPER / S-CLASSIC user manual 1/2018 • Page EN-29
If you cannot fix the fault / problem with the
procedures listed below, please contact the
No lights in the kettle
Is the electrical connection to the kettle ok?
Check the main fuses (electrical cabinet
in the building)
Is the 0/I button pressed?
Call service if needed.
The kettle does not heat
Is the heating programmed and started?
Read pages 9-10 & 17-18 (indicator light
should be on if heating has been turned on)
Is the emergency stop pressed?
Is there water in the jacket?
Is the water coming to the kettle?
Is the kettle level? Check with a bubble
level. If the kettle is not level and the feet
are adjustable, adjust the kettle so it islevel.
Call service if needed
The kettle heats very slow
The jacket can be filled with water after
chilling. Note! make sure the kettle is
completely cooled down, then empty the
jacket with the emptying valve in front
of the kettle part. Wait until all the water
has drained out, then close the valve.
Call service if needed.
Wrong values in the temperature display
Call service.
The kettle does not tilt / does not tilt fully up/
Is the lid open?
Is there something behind, under or in
front of the kettle?
Call service if needed.
Mixer is not powerful enough.
Too much food. Remove some food, or
try adding some liquid.
Too heavy food. Remove some food.
Ice in the food. Thaw frozen food
properly before using them.
Call service if needed
Mixer has stopped.
Overheating. Wait 15 minutes and try again.
Inverter mixed up. Turn off the kettle,
wait 3 minutes and then turn on again.
Make sure the lid is closed
Call service if needed.
Fault notices on the display
Service is scheduled, call the service.
Pressing any upper row button, the text
will disapper. And it will appear again in
next start up.
ConTAcTor Error
Contactor error. Turn off the kettle
immediately and call the service. It is
forbidden to use the kettle!
LUATEr Error
Water meter error. Call the service.
ProbE 1 OpEn
ProbE 1 ShorTEd
ProbE 2 OpEn
ProbE 2 ShorTEd
Probe error. Call the service.
Lid OPEn
Lid is open, close the lid. If this does not
help, call the service.
Emergency stop has been pressed.
Impurity in the incoming water
If there is a lot of organics, metals or
other impurities in the cold water line, it is
recommendable to empty the jacket every
day. When the kettle is clean and completely
cooled down, open the valve in the front of
the kettle. Leave the valve open.
Next morning, before starting, close the valve.
Note! If you have put the timer on, close the
valve alredy after the emptying.
Содержание S-CLASSIC