DIETA SOUPPER / S-CLASSIC user manual 1/2018 • Page EN-14
Heating - General
Boiling temperature
At 100 °C water turns to steam
At 95 °C water boils rapidly
At 90 °C water simmers, nearly all foods cook
at this temperature.
Lowering the cooking temperature, will
decresase the amount of steam produced to
the kitchen.
The lower temperatures may increase the
cooking time, but it will save energy and result
lower food losses.
Temperatures inside the kettle
The temperature is not even on every part of
the kettle. Without mixing, the temperature
differeneces may be up to 60 °C.
The kettle heats up from the bottom and
especially from the sides. The kettle is hottest
on the sides, near the rim. In the beginning
of the heating, the food temperature is lower
on the bottom and in the middle of the kettle.
When continuing the cooking, the temperature
differences will reduce.
Mixing will reduce the temperature differences
up to 10 °C. Efficient mixing can reduce the
differences up to 2 ... 4 °C. Long time mixing
while cooking may reduce the differences up to
1... 2 °C.
Содержание S-CLASSIC