1. Introduction
Thank you for choosing Diagon by purchasing our product, the Coag 2D
semi-automated coagulometer.
The Coag 2D is a 2-channel semi-automated coagulation analyzer made
for in vitro diagnostic use. The Coag 2D is capable of analyzing blood
samples with great accuracy. The instrument is suitable for detecting
clotting time, performing chromogenic and immunological assays on
plasma specimens prepared from sodium-citrate anticoagulated blood
samples collected into standard sample tubes.
For the best Coag 2D experience, read this manual carefully and comply
with its instructions.
Feel free to contact us if you need assistance, such as ordering stocks,
replacement parts and consumables or technical support and
Diagon Ltd.
H 1047 Budapest, Baross u. 48-52.
tel: (+36 1) 369 6500
fax: (+36 1) 369 6301