5. Technical Description of the Coag 2D
The Coag 2D is a 2-channel semi-automated coagulation analyzer. The
instrument was developed to be used in laboratories by personnel who
have experience in laboratory diagnostics and have received full training
from representatives of Diagon Ltd. or the authorized distributor.
The Coag 2D is suitable for analyzing the following parameters:
Clotting tests:
Screening tests (PT, APTT, Fibrinogen, TT)
Factors (II, V, VII, X, VIII, IX, XI, XII)
Turbidimetric test:
Chromogenic tests:
AT III, Plasminogen, Protein C
Inhibitor tests:
APC, LA, Protein S
User defined tests:
5. Operating Principle
5.1.1 Clotting Time Determination
The blood plasma and the reagent are mixed in a plastic cuvette with the
appropriate timing. The cuvette is placed in the measurement position
located in the measurement block which is kept at a stable temperature.
The interior of the measurement position is black to prevent light
reflection. The content of the cuvette is illuminated with a 640 nm wavel
ength monochromatic controlled light source.
The photo detector is positioned at 90 degrees to the direction of
illumination. When coagulation is tested, a blood sample of a specific
volume is incubated, then mixed with the reagent which induces the coa-
gulation process during which fibrinogen becomes fibrin.
If there is no coagulant in the mixture, the scattering of light at 90 degrees
is low, and as coagulation starts, the scattering of light gradually