8.1 Setup of Nephelometric Test Parameters
Min. Time
Sets the minimum amount of time that may be measured. If the reaction
time is below this value, the result will be marked with a T flag.
Max. Time
Sets the maximum amount of time that may be measured. If the instru-
ment does not detect the endpoint of the reaction, it stops the measure-
ment and the result will be marked with a T flag.
Lag Time
During this time the software disregards any changes in the cuvette.
Reagent Nr.
Identifies the number of reagents.
Incubation Time
Sets the time period between adding the sample and adding the reagent.
During this period the sample is incubated at 37°C.
Figure 8.2 - Test setup screen
Sets the unit of measurement, which may be time, percentage, INR Po-
wer, INR Calib or concentration. INR Power or INR Calib. are further pro-
cessed as INR.