10.2 Measurement Screen
Make sure that the correct date and time are displayed before starting the
measurement. This will ensure that results can be retrieved easily and
correctly later on.
Sample measurement can be initiated by tapping the ‘Measure’ button in
the main menu. After the desired test is selected, the measurement win-
dows are displayed:
FIgure 10.1 - Measurement windows
To start the measurement, tap the upper part (above the line) of either
measurement windows.
Figure 10.2 - Entering sample ID
A virtual keyboard is displayed, using which the sample ID may be en-
tered manually or it can be read using the barcode scanner. To accept the
sample ID, tap the tick icon.
If there is no printer connected to the instrument, make sure to turn it off
in the System/Settings. If these settings are incorrect, barcode reading is
not possible.