I P - D S U U s e r ’ s M a n u a l
4.21 INSTALL ( Software Registration )
Syntax: install [ key=<software key> ]
[ fpkey=<software key>]
has a unique device software key, and multiple per port feature package
keys. This section is included in the user manual for completeness. Under normal
circumstances, only the mechanized utilities utilize this command. It may be executed
manually under an emergency situation. Depending on the device, the keys may or may
not be installed by the factory. The per port feature package keys may be added at any
time, and do not affect the operation of the unit. The registration procedure does not
require a restart to take effect on a device running the registered software.
When executed without arguments, the
command will display the significant
information needed to manufacture the device software key. The device IP address may
also be required. No additional information is needed to create the feature package
key=<software key>
argument allows the entry of an eight-character alphanumeric
software registration that is unique to this
device. If an invalid key is entered, a
MINOR alarm is generated to that effect. The passwords are not altered. The
command has been created to reset the passwords should that become necessary.
fpkey=<software key>
argument allows the entry of an eight-character
alphanumeric software registration that is unique to a port, and software feature
package, on this
device for the current software build. The specific feature
package referenced by the software key becomes immediately available on the port
without subsequent download. The <software key> has effect on only one port. Other
ports on the device are not affected. If the same software feature package is needed on
multiple ports, then multiple feature package keys are applied.
command is always available.