Appe n dix C – M e n u La n g u a ge
8 7
F. Dow nload t he gener at ed files t o t he pr int er – one m et hod is t he DOS copy com m and:
copy lpt1: /b
G. Reset t he pr int er by pr essing and holding t he CANCEL Key for appr oxim at ely four seconds.
H. Aft er r eset t ing, v er ify oper at ion by pr int ing a Configur at ion Label ( see Sect ion 4.4) . New
language infor m at ion w ill be pr int ed under SYSTEM I NFORMATI ON / OPTI ONAL LANGUAGES.
( Also, t he new language w ill appear on t he display as a m enu it em in SYSTEM SETTI NGS /
MENU LANGUAGE. These ar e t he only m et hods t o det er m ine a successful dow nload.)
Enable t he new language. Ent er t he m enu syst em and go t o SYSTEM SETTI NGS / MENU
LANGUAGE and select t he new language. Next select t he desir ed font for t he language. Save
t he changes w hen pr om pt ed. ( A r eset w ill occur as font validat ion is per for m ed.)
An er r or has occur r ed if t he pr int er displays t he new language select ion, but all m essages
r em ain in English. I n t his case, r e- check your pr ocess or cont act Dat am ax- O’Neil Technical
Suppor t ( be r eady t o pr ov ide t he Com m on.xls and DPL dow nload files cr eat ed) . Ot her er r or
m essages ar e also possible:
M e n u La n gu a ge Er r or M e ssa ge
D e scr ipt ion
Please select t he ent ir e colum n( s) or t he
desir ed language( s) , by clicking on t he
colum n let t er ( s)
Aft er pr essing t he Gener at e DPL File( s) r adio
but t on, t he languages t o conver t wer e not
cor r ect ly select ed.
Message t ext m ay not exceed MAX = xx
designat ed char act er s for t his MI D
The ent er ed m essage exceeds t he num ber of
char act er s specified in colum n C. You m ay not
m odify t his num ber .
I .
Repeat St eps A – H using t he filenam e m isc.xls t o t ranslat e pr int er opt ion it em s. This w ill
out put sm
Содержание I-Class Mark II
Страница 1: ...Operator s Manual ...
Страница 2: ......
Страница 8: ...Chapter 1 Getting Started 2 ...
Страница 24: ...Chapter 2 Printer Setup 1 8 ...
Страница 64: ...Chapter 4 Menu System 5 8 ...
Страница 78: ...Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 7 2 ...
Страница 82: ...Appendix A Specifications 7 6 ...
Страница 90: ...Appendix B W ireless and W ired LAN Setup 8 4 ...
Страница 96: ......