TurboTronic ZESPRESSO TT-CM23 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1





Instructions Manual 

Espresso Coffee Machine 




Содержание ZESPRESSO TT-CM23

Страница 1: ...Instructions Manual Espresso Coffee Machine TT CM23 www zline world com ...

Страница 2: ...pliance andits cord outofreachof childrenagedless than8 years 2 childrenshall not playwith the appliance 3 Appliances canbe used bypersons withreduced physical sensoryor mental capabilities or lack of experience and knowledge iftheyhave been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance ina safe wayand understand the hazards involved 4 This appliance is intendedtobe usedin house...

Страница 3: ...lingaperture mustnot be opened duringuse 13 Please check whether the voltage is consistent before use 14 The coffee machine for use shall be connected to a ground outlet 15 Please donot leave the coffee machine when usingit nor let the children or people without self care abilityto getclose tothe coffeemachine 16 Please donot use equipmentinhightemperature highmagnetic fieldand humidenvironment Do...

Страница 4: ...e power line onthe edge of the desk or counter 22 Ensure that the power line does nottouchthe hot surface of the appliance 23 Do not touchthe metal surface ofthe machine directlybyhand when operatingthe coffeemachine Please usethe knoband handle 24 Cleanandmaintain the parts ofcoffee machine parts regularlyto ensure the qualityof coffee andprolongthe service life of the coffee machine 25 Do not mo...

Страница 5: ... tube wateroutlet etc when usingthecoffeemachine This appliance is designed to make coffee or heat drinks Be careful to avoid being scalded by sprays of water or steamorduetoimproperuseoftheappliance Name of Product Component 1 Poweron offIndicator 2 Powerbutton 3 CoffeeIndicator 4 Coffee hotwaterbutton 5 Filterholderassay 6 Driptraycover 7 Water tank 8 SteamButton 9 Steamtube ...

Страница 6: ...gtocoffee makingprocess coffeepowderisnotnecessaryforcleaning thecoffeemachine Warning For thefirst use theproduct may not come out the water Please turn thesteam knob counterclockwise to opentothemaximumstateandpressthe coffee button whenthereiswaterspurtoutfromthesteammouth pressthe coffee buttontoclosetheproductandturnthesteamknobclockwisetotheclosedstate Filling the water tank 1 Takeoutthewate...

Страница 7: ...n off buttonagain 3 Putthefilterintothefilterholder buckleitintothecoffeemachinefrom the insert position andthenturnitrighttothe locked position 4 Place the coffee cup to be used under the filter holder press the Coffee button so as to preheat the coffee machineandcoffeecupthroughtheoutflowofhotwater Makingthe ItalianEspressoCoffee 1 Fillthefilterwithcoffeepowder andthensmoothandcompressit 2 Putth...

Страница 8: ...ly describestheprocessofmilkfoaming Notes Thefilterneedstobeinstalledinplaceintheprocessofmakingsteam 1 Makeespressofirstly andpreparebigenoughcups 2 Pluginthepower pressthe on off buttonand steam buttoninturn theredpoweron offindicatorlightison indicatingthat themachinestartstopreheat whenthesteamindicatorlightison indicatingthatthepreheatiscomplete Note whenthesteamisfinished ifyouwanttomakeseco...

Страница 9: ... clockwiseandatthesametimepressingthesteambutton 7 Firstly pour the espresso coffee into the coffee cup and then the foamed milk into the coffee cup By now the cappuccinocoffeeisdone Youcanalsoaddtherightamountofsugarorcocoapowderontopaccordingtoyourtaste Warning the steam nozzle shall not be placed on the surface of the milk so as not to be scalded as it will cause milk splash Tips If there are d...

Страница 10: ... isneededforpressingandeveningthecoffeepowderoutbyusing thehandonly 4 Whatisthefunctionofthesmallhookonthecoffeehandle A Whenpouringoutthecoffeeresidual youcanusethehooktopreventthefilterfromfallingout 5 Whatisthefunctionoftheareaforcupwarming A Bywarmingthecoffeecupinthisarea youcangetabettercoffeetastebecausethecoffeetemperaturedifferenceis decreasewhenthecoffeeispouredintothecoffeecup 6 Whatist...

Страница 11: ...ethe Disincrustantforcoffeemachine to conductdescalingof thecoffeemachine The waterand disincrustant ratioisabout4 1 orpleaserefertotheoperatinginstruction Ifthereisnodisincrustant youcanusethe citricacid instead The waterandcitricacidratioisabout100 3 3 Thereisnoneedtoputcoffeepowderwhencleaningthecoffeemachine 4 Pleasecleanthewateroutletandsteamtuberespectivelyaccordingtothestepsofmakingcappucci...

Страница 12: ...tway Lightcoffee Coffeepowderisnotpressedflatenough Pleasepresscoffeepowdertoflatagain Notenoughcoffeepowder Pleaseaddcoffeepowder Coffeepowderistoocoarse PleaseusededicatedEspressocoffeepowder Coffeecoloristoodark Coffeepowderispressedtootight Pleasepressthecoffeepowerwithstrengthof3 3pounds about1 5kg Toomuchcoffeepowder Pleasereducecoffeepowder Thefilterisclogged Pleasecleanthefilter Coffeepowd...

Страница 13: ...nal coffee Itcanalsokeepitsflavorwhilemixingit withmilkorother foods ThetypicalEspressocuisineincludesthefollowing Cappuccino Thebrewingmethodof Cappuccinoistousethesteamtubeofanespressocoffeemachinetoheatapotofmilkto66 and makeitproducealayerofdensebubbleabovethemilk Afterthat pourtheEspressointothecup andthenthemilk Makethe Espresso milkandmilkfoam eachaccountsfor1 3inthecupandthena cup of coffe...

Страница 14: ...eMocha MochacoffeeismadeofEspresso hotmilkwithmilkfoamandchocolatesauce etc eachoccupies1 3intheglass Youcan pourthechocolatesauceslowingfromthecupedge andtherewillappearawaterfall likeshape EspressoConPanna The orthodox Espresso Con Panna is to put some whipping cream on the top of the Espresso Now there are a variety of differentbrewingflavorswhichareverypopular Somearewithavarietykindsofsyrups ...

Страница 15: ...ancednewbeans Bittertaste AllkindsofoldbeansfromJava Medellin Bogota Angola Congo Uganda Sweettaste Colombia Mandheling Venezuela s old bean Blue Mountains Kilimanjaro Mocha Guatemala Mexico Kenya Santos Haiti Neutraltaste Brazil Salvador lowlandCostaRica Venezuela Honduras Cuba Savoury and mellowtaste ColombiaMandheling Mocha BlueMountain Guatemala CostaRica Despiteoftheproductionplaceofthecoffee...

Страница 16: ...out the EU To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health fromuncontrolled wastedisposal recycleitresponsiblytopromotethesustainablereuseofmaterialresources Toreturn youruseddevice pleaseusethereturnandcollectionsystemsorcontacttheretailerwheretheproduct waspurchased Theycantakethisproductforenvironmentalsaferecycling ...
