5-19 Terminal 37 Safe Stop
Safe Stop
Coasts unit when safe stop is activated.
Manual reset from LCP, digital input or
Safe Stop
Coasts unit when safe stop is activated (T-37
off). When safe stop circuit is reestablished,
the unit will continue without manual reset.
PTC 1 Alarm Coasts unit when safe stop is activated.
Manual reset from LCP, digital input or
fieldbus. Choice 4 is only available when the
MCB 112 PTC Thermistor Card is connected.
Coasts unit when safe stop is activated (T-37
off). When safe stop circuit is reestablished,
the unit will continue without manual reset,
unless a Digital Input set to PTC Card 1 [80]
is still enabled. Choice 5 is only available
when the MCB 112 PTC Thermistor Card is
PTC 1 &
Relay A
This choice is used when the PTC option is
gated together with a Stop button through a
Safety relay to T-37. Coasts unit when safe
stop is activated. Manual reset from LCP,
digital input or fieldbus. Choice 6 is only
available when the MCB 112 PTC Thermistor
Card is connected.
PTC 1 &
Relay W
This choice is used when the PTC option is
gated together with a Stop button through a
Safety relay to T-37. Coasts unit when safe
stop is activated (T-37 off). When safe stop
circuit is reestablished, the unit will continue
without manual reset, unless a Digital Input
set to PTC Card 1 [80] is (still) enabled.
Choice 7 is only available when the MCB 112
PTC Thermistor Card is connected.
PTC 1 &
Relay A/W
This choice makes it possible to use a
combination of Alarm and Warning. Choice 8
is only available when the MCB 112 PTC
Thermistor Card is connected.
PTC 1 &
Relay W/A
This choice makes it possible to use a
combination of Alarm and Warning. Choice 9
is only available when the MCB 112 PTC
Thermistor Card is connected.
Choises 4 - 9 are only available when the MCB 112 PTC
Thermistor Card is connected.
Overview of functions, alarms and warnings
No Function
Safe Stop
Safe Stop [A68]
Safe Stop
Safe Stop [W68]
PTC 1 Alarm
PTC 1 Safe Stop
PTC 1 Warning [5]
PTC 1 Safe Stop
PTC 1 & Relay
PTC 1 Safe Stop
Safe Stop [A68]
PTC 1 & Relay
PTC 1 Safe Stop
Safe Stop [W68]
PTC 1 & Relay
PTC 1 Safe Stop
Safe Stop [W68]
PTC 1 & Relay
PTC 1 Safe Stop
Safe Stop [A68]
W means warning and A means alarm. For further information, see
Alarms and Warnings in section Troubleshooting in the Design Guide
or the Operating Instructions.
A dangerous failure related to Safe Stop will give Alarm:
Dangerous Failure [A72].
Please refer to the section
Description of Alarm Word,
Warning Word and extended Status Word
in the chapter
6.4.3 5-3* Digital Outputs
Parameters for configuring the output functions for the
output terminals. The 2 solid-state digital outputs are
common for terminals 27 and 29. Set the I/O function for
terminal 27 in
, and set the I/O
function for terminal 29 in
. These
parameters cannot be adjusted while the unit is running.
5-30 Terminal 27 Digital Output
No operation
Default for all digital outputs and relay
Control ready
The control card is ready. E.g.: Feedback
from a frequency converter where the
control is supplied by an external 24 V
(MCB 107) and the main power to
frequency converter is not detected.
Unit ready
The unit is ready for operation and
applies a supply signal on the control
Enable / no
Ready for operation. No start or stop
command is been given (start/disable). No
warnings are active.
How to Programme
VLT Active Filter AAF 00x
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