DLS 4 / DLS 8 / 8 PLUS / DLS 16 / 16 PLUS
Dallmeier electronic
Dome/UTC camera–
move toward saved position
This contact function causes a dome camera connected
via DNI to move towards a defined position (at the ca
mera). Camera and position number are entered in the
Contact parameter
dialog. In addition, a priority level
can be assigned (0=top priority, 255=lowest priority).
After moving to a position, the dome remains for at least
5 seconds in this position unless a command with higher
priority comes in.
Split Rotation
This function allows switching of the split type in Sequen-
cer-/live mode (split 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4).
Day / Night Mode (analog ca
mera, UTC)
This function allows the control of day / night mode swit
ching of a camera (analogue, UTC capable). It is irrelevant
thereby if the camera is defined as an UTC camera in the
Recording Settings
Which cameras are relevant and in which mode they
should switch is defined in the
Contact Parameter
This contact function causes a reboot of the recorder.
Switch Recording Quality
This function is relevant for cameras with the recording
Switching by contact
. It switches the recording
quality to
High Quality
Which camera is relevant is defined in the
Contact Para-
dialog. Every activated camera can be selected. It
does not matter if the camera is connected or configured
for recording.
Reset Recording Quality
This function is relevant for cameras with the recording
Switching by contact
. It switches the recording
quality to
Normal Quality
Which camera is relevant is defined in the
Contact Para-
dialog. Every activated camera can be selected. It
does not matter if the camera is connected or configured
for recording.
Configuration of camera-related contacts
The camera-related contact inputs can be freely configured as Makers or Breakers.
Open the
Camera Contacts
dialog via
Camera Contacts
configure the camera-related contact inputs.
Fig. 12-6:
Camera Contacts