DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
DGS-3450:admin#show dscp trust 1:1-1:8
Command: show dscp trust 1:1-1:8
Port DSCP-Trust
---- ----------
1:1 Enabled
1:2 Enabled
1:3 Enabled
1:4 Enabled
1:5 Enabled
1:6 Enabled
1:7 Enabled
1:8 Enabled
config dscp map
Used to configure DHCP mapping.
config dscp map [dscp_priority <dscp_list> to <priority 0-7> |dscp_dscp <dscp_list> to
<dscp 0-63>]
The mapping of DSCP to priority will be used to determine the priority of the packet (which
will be then used to determine the scheduling queue) when the port is in DSCP trust state.
The mapping of DSCP to color will be used to determine the initial color of the packet when
the policing function of the packet is color aware and the packet is DSCP-trusted.
The DSCP-to-DSCP mapping is used in the swap of DSCP of the packet when the packet is
ingresses to the port. The remaining processing of the packet will base on the new DSCP. By
default, the DSCP is mapped to the same DSCP.
These DSCP mapping will take effect at the same time when IP packet ingress from a DSCP-
trusted port.
- Specify a list of DSCP value to be mapped to a specific priority.
T o<priority 0-7>
- Specify that the above or following parameter will be mapped to the
previously mentioned parameter.
- Specify a list of DSCP value to be mapped to a specific DSCP.
<dscp 0-63>
- Specify that the above or following parameter will be mapped to the
previously mentioned parameter.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure the global mapping of the DSCP priority to priority 1:
DGS-3450:admin#config dscp map dscp_priority 1 to 1
Command: config dscp map dscp_priority 1 to 1
show dscp map
Used to show DSCP trusted port list and mapped color, priority and DSCP.
show dscp map [dscp_priority | dscp_dscp ] {dscp <dscp_list>}