DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
config dhcp_relay option_82
Used to configurethe processing of DHCP 82 option for the DHCP relay function.
config dhcp_relay option_82 { state [enable | disable] | check [enable | disable] | policy
[replace | drop | keep]
Configures the processing of DHCP 82 option for the DHCP relay function.
When DHCP 82 option is enabled, the DHCP packet received from the client will be inserted
with option 82 field before being relayed to the server. The DHCP 82 option contained 2
suboptions which is circuit ID suboption and remote ID suboption.
The formats for the circuit ID suboption and the remote ID suboption are as following. For the
circuit ID suboption of a standalone switch, the module field is always zero.
- When the state is enabled, the DHCP packet will be inserted with the option 82 field
before being relayed to server. The DHCP packet will be processed based on the behaviour
defined in check and policy setting. When the state is disabled, the DHCP packet will be
relayed directly to server without further check and processing on the packet. The default
setting is disabled.
- When the state is enabled; For packet come from client side, the packet should not
have the option 82’s field. If the packet has this option field, it will be dropped. For packets
come from the server side, the packet should have the option 82’s field. If the packet does
not have option field and does not have correct option fields, the packet will be dropped. The
default setting is disabled.
- Specifies the way to process the packet come from the client side which has the 82
option field, and it is not dropped since the check function is disabled.
- Replace the exiting option 82 field in the packet.
- Discard if the packet has the option 82 field.
- Retain the existing option 82 field in the packet. The default setting is replace.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To configure dhcp_relay option 82:
DGS-3450:admin# config dhcp_relay option_82 state enable
Command: config dhcp_relay option_82 state enable
DGS-3450:admin# config dhcp_relay option_82 check disable
Command: config dhcp_relay option_82 check disable
DGS-3450:admin# config dhcp_relay option_82 policy replace
Command: config dhcp_relay option_82 policy replace
enable dhcp_relay
Used to enable the DHCP relay function on the switch.
enable dhcp_relay
The enable dhcp_relay command enables the DHCP relay function on the switch.