DGS-3400 Series Layer 2 Gigabit Ethernet Managed Switch CLI Manual
cfm loopback
md_index <uint 1-4294967295>
- Specify the maintenance domain index.
ma <string 22>
- Specify the maintenance association name.
ma_index <uint 1-4294967295>
- Specify the maintenance association index.
num <int 1-65535>
- Number of LBMs to be sent. The default value is 4.
length <int 0-1500>
- The payload length of the LBM to be sent. The default is 0.
pattern <string 1500>
- An arbitrary amount of data to be included in a Data TLV, along with
an indication whether the Data TLV is to be included.
pdu_priority<int 0-7>
- The 802.1p priority to be set in the transmitted LBMs. If not specified,
it uses the same priority as CCMs and LTMs sent by the MA.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To transmit a LBM:
DGS-3450:admin#cfm loopback 00-01-02-03-04-05 mepname mep1
Command: cfm loopback 00-01-02-03-04-05 mepname mep1
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from MPID 52: bytes=xxx time=xxxms
Request timed out.
CFM loopback statistics for 00-01-02-03-04-05:
Packets: Sent=4, Received=1, Lost=3(75% loss).
cfm linktrace
Used to issue a CFM link track message.
cfm linktrace <macaddr> [mepname <string 32> | mepid <int 1-8191> md [<string 22> |
md_index <uint 1-4294967295>] ma [<string 22> | ma_index <uint 1-4294967295>]] {ttl
<int 2-255> | pdu_priority <int 0-7>}
This command is used to issue a CFM link track message.
- Specify the destination MAC address.
mepname <string 32>
- Specify the MEP name.
mepid <int 1-8191>
- Specify the MEP ID.
md <string 22>
- Specify the Maintenance Domain name.
md_index <uint 1-4294967295>
- Specify the Maintenance Domain index.
ma <string 22>
- Specify the Maintenance Association name.
ma_index <uint 1-4294967295>
- Specify the Maintenance Association index.
ttl <int 2-255>
- Specify the link trace message TTL value. The default value is 64.
pdu_priority <int 0-7>
- Specify the 802.1p priority to be set in the transmitted LTM. If not
specified, it uses the same priority as CCMs sent by the MA.
Only Administrator and Operator-level users can issue this command.
Example usage:
To transmit an LTM: