A letter from Frank Foti,
Dear Cutting Edge Customer,
Personally, I would like to thank you for selecting the Unity AM! What you have in your possession
right now is, not only years of research and development, but years of my passion for broadcast audio
processing. Add to that, a multitude of ideas, thoughts, and opinions of the many associates, friends,
and yes, even foes that I have encountered along the way! Who knows maybe even you yourself have
at sometime helped with a suggestion or idea! Again my heartfelt thanks!
You and I share a good common bond, radio! Before beginning Cutting Edge in 1988, I too was on
your side of the fence, in radio. As a broadcast engineer, I can totally relate to the day to day life in a
radio station. I have been there in the trenches just like you are right now! That’s why I am so excited
about the Unity AM, because someone designed it in the trenches, for radio, in radio!
Early concepts and ideas for this project actually began in the early 1980’s while I was enjoying the
life of great Album Rock at WMMS-FM, the Home of the Buzzard, right here in Cleveland! A brief
stint in San Francisco at Country music KSAN-FM and KNEW-AM gave me the opportunity to hone
my processing skills on something other than Rock-N-Roll! But the true test of ability, and far and
away the most pleasure and success, was achieved at that tiny Flamethrower atop the Empire State
Building, WHTZ-FM, better known as Z-100!
As a designer, engineer, and user, I know only too well how subjective audio processing is. There is
no right way, or wrong way to do it. As the sneaker manufacture Nike would say, “Just Do it”. (I
love the “Can Do” attitude!) We all know when it does not sound right, but to just “get it right” can
take quite an effort. So as you proceed with the installation of our product, I can only hope that you
will approach this endeavor with an open mind, patience, and time. Why? Because sometimes what
you desire, and what you initially receive may be two different things altogether!
For the majority of our customers, the Unity AM has made a big difference right off the bat. But I’d
be lying if I told you that, just by installing the Unity AM, your station would immediately be far and
above all the rest. It may take some time, but fear not, our goal is to get you to that point!
Well, enough of carrying on about myself. Here is where I would like to acknowledge the “known”
many who helped in delivering to you the Unity AM: Mozie, my Family, Pete Townshend, Steve
Church, Neil Glassman, Raymond Douglas Davies, Matthew Connor, David Reaves, M.D.D., David
“Zeke” Booth,“Don” Corleone, Doug Howland, Cate Cowan, John Granchi, F.Joseph Foti, Margot
Daly, Kevin Nosé, Dan Mettler, Marc Augis, Phillipe Legros, Bob Martin, Mark Hoageson, Mike
Maczuzak, Bruce Vanek, Don Coulter, Todd Linderman, Mary Dennis, Roz Brazleton, Danielle
Kreinbrink, Dee Oulds, Rich Matanowitch, Tom Petty, Madonna, John Alan, Judy Chamberlain,
Carlos Baerga, Dwayne Burlison, Paula Abdul, Emmylou Harris, Dean Thacker, Christine McVie, the
Cleveland Orchestra, The Who, Don Williams, the Bellamy Bros, Hiroshima, Frank Sinatra, Amy
Grant, Janet Jackson, The Kinks, Geary Morrill, Barry Thomas, Bonnie Riatt, James & Mary Anne