Pin - 18: Ground
Pin - 19: Ground
Pin - 20: Ground
Use this connector to wire to and from the Unity AM. The outputs are approxi4dBm and the
inputs will accept a +4dBm level as well. The outputs of the Interface ports are fixed so level
adjustments will have to be made from your ancillary device. The return input level of the first patch
point is fixed. The input level of the second patch point may be adjusted.
First patch point
To connect your ancillary equipment between the Wide Band AGC and the Processor/Leveler, you
should first make note of the processing levels of the Levelers. This is important as you will need this
information to restore the processing levels after installation of your ancillary equipment.
Next, you will need to create a cable. Use the pins for the Wide Band AGC outputs and Leveler
inputs to connect to your devices inputs and outputs directly. (Don’t forget the ground connection.) If
your external device has an unbalanced input or output, be certain to tie the low (-) pin to ground.
The patch point is activated by moving two jumpers located on the motherboard. With the top
removed, locate the two berg jumpers between circuit boards #2 and #3. Both jumpers are capable of
only two positions. Move both jumpers to the alternative position. Patch point #1 is now activated.
When you do your processing set up, be sure to review the instructions for setting the return level
from you external device to the Processor/Leveler inputs. Set the output level of the ancillary device
to provide unity gain. This will insure that the same amount of audio drive is provided to the
multiband processors. If the output gain of the ancillary device is too high, the multiband processors
can be overdriven. This could result in the audio sounding too processed.
Second patch point
Under normal operating conditions, each Leveler band feeds its own limiter band directly and the
Unity AM operates with only one crossover network. When the second patch point on the Interface
Port is used, the wide band audio that is returned to the Unity AM must be band split again. We have
accommodated this by providing an additional crossover network on the limiter circuit board. The
crossover points will exactly mirror those that you will chose in the Leveler section a few chapters
from now when we finally let you play with the processing parameters. To activate this second
crossover network, which you must do when you use the second patch point on the Interface Port, you
must change some jumpers on the limiter board.
Before going on to the next step, be aware sophisticated microprocessor controlled products like the
Unity AM do not like to be zapped by static electricity. Please take all required precautions to create
a static free environment before opening the Unity AM.