or 75µs. For North and South America, the modified 75µs NRSC standard is used. The NRSC
standard provides a 10dB boost at 10 kHz. A shelving response for frequencies above 10kHz, along
with a tight 10kHz low pass filter, is employed to control out of band emissions.
The factory default pre-emphasis setting in the Unity AM is the modified 75µs NRSC standard. The
pre-emphasis can be changed will relative ease.
Before going on to the next step, be aware sophisticated microprocessor controlled products like the
Unity AM do not like to be zapped by static electricity. Please take all required precautions to create
a static free environment before opening the Unity AM.
To change the pre-emphasis, locate and remove card #8, the eighth card from to the right of the power
supply, and set the “berg” jumpers according to the diagrams that follow: