The transformer will distort the waveform in a manner that will add to the amplitude of the signal.
This added amplitude becomes wasted modulation, since the peak of this signal must never exceed
the maximum modulation limit.
All is not lost! Within the Unity AM is an adjustment that will provide compensation to offset tilt that
can be generated by the transmitter. By creating a pre-distortion signal that is exactly opposite of the
distortion created by the transmitter, tilt can be reduced, if not eliminated. Refer to the following
example diagram.
To accomplish the procedure, an audio generator and oscilloscope must be used. This adjustment is
also only available on the #8 low pass filter board. As with the symmetry adjustment, the top must be
Set the audio generator for 60Hz sine wave output and an operating level of +4 dBm. Connect this
signal to the input of the Unity AM. Set the following processing parameters to allow the audio signal
to activate the clippers. Set all Limiter Thresholds to 0%, and set the Clipper Drive to 100%. This
should create a clipped square wave at the output of the Unity AM. Modulate the transmitter at about
75% - 80% modulation. There is no need to operate at 100% modulation, and this will prevent
additional stress on tubes and transformers.
Set the oscilloscope to monitor the transmitter carrier signal. Synchronize the scope so that one or two
cycles can be observed. If the signal appears as the the desired waveform pictured in the above
diagram, then there is no tilt present, and no adjustment is necessary. If the waveform appears like or
similar to that as described as
in the diagram, then adjustment in
Located on the #8 low pass filter board are four tilt adjustments, two per audio channel. One is
, and the other
. Adjust each of the
pots until the
observed signal matches the desired waveform diagram. If the desired waveform can not be
achieved, adjust for the closest resemblance. Adjust each channel independently for stereo. When
finished, restore the processing parameters to a normal operating preset.
When using the Matrix
Processing Option, only use the left tilt adjustments for both
. The two right trim pots
should be set to the full counter-clockwise position.
With the completion of this test, and adjustment, maximum modulation can be efficiently achieved
with the Unity AM.