Chapter 4. Web Configuration & Operation
The selected server is disabled.
Not Ready:
The server is enabled, but IP communication is not yet up and running.
The server is enabled, IP communication is up and running, and the RADIUS module is ready to accept
accounting attempts.
Dead (X seconds left):
Accounting attempts were made to this server, but it did not reply within the configured
timeout. The server has temporarily been disabled, but will get re-enabled when the dead-time expires. The
number of seconds left before this occurs is displayed in parentheses. This state is only reachable when more
than one server is enabled.
Round-Trip Time:
The time interval (measured in milliseconds) between the most recent Response and the Request
that matched it from the RADIUS accounting server. The granularity of this measurement is 100 ms. A value of 0 ms
indicates that there hasn't been round-trip communication with the server yet.
Global Configuration
The time the switch waits for a reply from a server before it retransmits the request.
Deadtime is the period during which the switch will not send new requests to a server that has failed to
respond to a previous request. This will stop the switch from continually trying to contact a server that it has already
determined as dead. Setting the Deadtime to a value greater than 0 (zero) will enable this feature, but only if more
than one server has been configured. The allowed deadtime range is between 0 to 1440minutes.
Specify the secret key up to 63 characters. This is shared between a sever and the switch.
Server Configuration
The hostname or IP address for a server.
The TCP port number to be used on a server for authentication.
If timeout value is specified here, it will replace the global timeout value. If you prefer to use the global value,
leave this field blank.