Chapter 4. Web Configuration & Operation
Throughput Test Parameters
Trial Duration:
The time - in seconds - to transmit Y.1731 TST frames at one given rate and frame size. This is known as
a "trial". Valid range is from 1 to 1800 with a default of 60 seconds.
Minimum Rate:
The minimum rate - in per mille of the egress port's line rate - to transmit Y.1731 TST frames at. If a
trial fails at this rate, the test fails. Valid range is from 1 to 1000 with a default of 800 per mille of the line rate.
Maximum Rate:
The maximum rate - in per mille of the egress port's line rate - transmit Y.1731 TST frames at while
searching for maximum throughput. This is the rate that the search starts at. Valid range is from 1 to 1000 with a
default of 1000 per mille of the line rate.
This specifies the stop criterion for the search for a maximum throughput rate. When the difference
between a failing and succeeding rate is smaller than the accuracy, the search stops and the succeeding rate becomes
the result. Valid range is from 1 to 1000 with a default of 2 per mille of the line rate.
Allowed Frame Loss:
In some cases, it may be acceptable to have loss on a connection. The allowed loss can be
specified with this parameter. The loss is measured in per mille of the number of transmitted frames during a trial, so
if allowed loss is set to e.g. 1 per mille and 1000 frames are transmitted during a trial, the trial will be considered
successful if 999 or 1000 frames return to the transmitter. Valid range is from 0 to 100 with a default of 0 per mille of
the number of transmitted frames.
Latency Test Parameters
Trial Duration:
The time - in seconds - to transmit Y.1731 TST frames at one given rate and frame size. This is known as
a "trial". Valid range is from 10 to 1800 with a default of 120 seconds.
Delay Measurement Interval:
This controls the period - in seconds - at which Y.1731 1DM frames are transmitted. The
first 1DM frame is transmitted this number of seconds after the trial has started. The total number of transmitted
1DM frames in one trial therefore depends on the configured trial duration. Valid range is from 1 to 60 with a default
of 10 seconds.
Allowed Frame Loss:
In some cases, it may be acceptable to have loss on a connection. The allowed loss can be
specified with this parameter. A trial is considered failing if more than this percentage of frames are lost. Valid range is
from 0 to 100 with a default of 0 per mille of the number of transmitted frames.
3.28.2 Report