illustration 2
illustration 1
For the property owner
CTC EcoZenith
Solar Energy
See also
Solar Energy Menu
in the Detail Description Menus
The EcoZenith
550 contains a 10 m long 18 mm finned and internally grooved solar
coil which manages approx. 10 m² of solar panel. If the effect of the solar panels is greater,
the solar energy is connected via an external heat exchanger (see ill. 2) and to the CTC
550 through the upper and lower outlets on either side of the lower tank.
If a greater number of panels is connected, one or several buffer tanks can also be installed
in the system. More information on function and control of buffer tanks can be found
in the Extra Buffer Tank section.
When the temperature in the solar panel rises and is factory-set 7 degrees warmer than
the sensor in the lower tank, the charge pump starts and transfers the solar energy to
the lower tank. The speed-controlled pump controls the flow in order always to deliver
7 degrees higher temperature. This means that, if the effect in the panel increases, the
charge pump will increase the flow and if the effect in
the panel decreases, the charge pump will reduce the
flow. When the temperature in the lower tank increases
or the solar panel loses temperature, and the
difference between the temperature in the solar panel
and the lower tank becomes factory-set 3 degrees, the
charging stops and will not restart until the solar
panel is 7 degrees warmer than the lower tank again.
When the temperature in the lower tank rises and
becomes warmer than the upper tank, the heat will
rise into the heat distribution pipe and layer itself
into the right temperature level in the upper tank
through perforated holes in the distribution pipes.
The colder temperature in the upper tank will,
in the same way, sink down and distribute itself
in its temperature zone in the lower tank through the
distribution pipe which descends into the lower tank.
Factory set, the sun will heat the lower tank in the
CTC EcoZenith
550 to 85°C before the charging is