Table of Contents
Kangaroo™ Joey Enteral Feed and Flush Pump with Pole Clamp
Section VI – Performance Evaluation
System Performance Tests
A series of tests can be performed to verify pump performance. It is recommended that tests be run every two years, or any time
the pump is suspected of having improper performance. The test procedure and certificate are included on the User Manual CD as a
separate document.
Certifying the Accuracy of Pump Flow Rate
Use the following procedure to check the flow rate accuracy:
• Perform test at room temperature 22° C ± 2° C (72° F ± 3° F) with a new pump set.
• Fill a new feed-only pump set bag with water to the 500 mL mark.
• Load the pump set.
Suspend the pump set bag so that the top of the water column is 6 inches above the pump (Figure 4B).
• Make sure pump is plugged into A/C power (do not run test with battery power).
• Program a Continuous Mode feed rate (see below for suggested example rates).
• After running the programmed continuous mode feed rate for 15 minutes, begin collecting water in a calibrated
measuring container.
: Accuracy testing is critically dependent on the proper use of calibrated equipment. Trained technicians familiar with
volumetric measurement of fluids should perform the accuracy testing. It is recommended that a 100 mL calibrated glass graduated
cylinder (TC “To Collect”) be used for these measurements.
: The amount of water collected in 30 minutes will be half of the value programmed for the hourly flow rate, within ± 7%, or
0.5 mL, whichever is larger. Since feeding accuracy of the Kangaroo Joey enteral feed and flush pump with pole clamp is based upon
formula and not water, a 4% accuracy shift should be applied when testing the Kangaroo Joey enteral feed and flush pump with pole
clamp using water. (Water will appear to overdeliver by 4%.)
Rate Set
Amount Expected in 30 Minutes
125 mL/hr
60.63 mL - 69.38 mL
If the amount collected is outside the range, load a new pump set and re-run the test procedure to confirm results.