60T - 280T
Figure 4-6 - Example of output diagram / supply and return temperature / external temperature, for a
home in a very cold area and radiator system.
- Boiler domestic hot water
A storage tank must be connected for domestic hot water
production following the diagram referred to in figure 10-2.
The domestic hot water temperature is adjusted following the
specific procedure in section 16.6.
- System types
The following types of systems can be created with this
- Only centralised heating system (see figure 10-1)
- Only domestic hot water production system (see figure 11-1)
- Centralised heating and domestic hot water production
system (see figure 10-2).
4.2 - Precautions when installing
For proper appliance operation, respect the following
It must be connected to a heating system and, if necessary,
to a domestic hot water distribution mains, compatibly with
the features, performance and output of the appliance itself.
Check figures 7-1 and 7-2 regarding the minimum distances
to respect for installation and future maintenance.
4.3 - Anti-legionella
Boiler (when connected to a storage tank) have no anti-
legionella protection:
It is the installer’s responsibility to keep the storage tank
temperature no lower than 60°C to disinfect it or adopt
equivalent systems.
This system allows the supply temperature to be managed
automatically based on the external temperature. An
operating example is shown as a graphic in figure 4-6. The
graphic shows an example in which the supply and return
temperatures are 55°C and 43°C respectively and the
external temperature is 0°C. The external probe controls boiler
modulation, progressively reducing the supply temperature
and optimising output. Output changes from 97% when the
external temperature is -15°C to 105,8% with 0°C external
temperature and up to 109° with 20°C external temperature.
- Main circuit pump
The appliance is specifically built without an inner pump
to give installers the option of connecting it to any pump,
even a modulating one. The main circuit pump is part “36”
in figures 10-1 and 10-2. To choose this pump, the designer
must check what is described in section 10.11 as well as the
system features.
- Heating circuit pump
The heating circuit pump, part “19” in figures 10-1 and 10-2,
is not supplied to give the installer the option of connecting it
to any pump, even a modulating one. To choose this pump,
the designer must check the system features.
- Domestic hot water circuit pump
The domestic hot water circuit pump, part “28” in figure 10-2
and part “36” in figure 11-1, is not supplied to give the installer
the option of connecting it to any pump, even a modulating
one. To choose this pump, the designer must check the
system features.
- Hydraulic separator
If the system needs to be served by a higher water flow rate
than what the pump is able to dispense, a hydraulic separator
must be put between the boiler and the system (see figures
10-1 and 10-2, part “20”).