How To Use Collection Data
M2M Gateway PLC Communication Settings
PLC Data Transfer Service
This service is a function to create and send a file per device setting by performing "Device
configuration" in the "PLC Communication Settings".
This service does not operate unless time synchronization is completed. Bear in mind that if
you are using the [CPS-MG341-ADSC1-111] and the [CPS-MG341G-ADSC1-111].
Setting the "Cloud Key" and the "Cloud Interval (sec)" on the "Device configuration" will enable this
The communication result is output to the file at the Scan Interval, and the file transfer command is
issued at the Cloud Interval (transfer interval).
* When there are more than one "Device configuration", It is necessary to create several files to be
sent. In such a case, make respective settings with the "Cloud Key" in order to identify the data
Use the following CSV file format for sending files.
Cloud Key
Cloud Key
Data 1
Data N CR code
1 record
2 record
3 record
Data 1
Data 1
Data 1
Data N
Data N
Data N