PLC Communication Settings
M2M Gateway PLC Communication Settings
PLC Settings
For serial communication, node (Unit Number) and data type for the PLC serial communication port
need to be set. The following is a setting example with OMRON PLC maintenance tool, "CX
Serial Port Setting
On the "CX Programmer", go to [PLC(C)] - " PLC information(E)", then open the " PLC Setting "
On the "PLC Setting", select the [Serial port] tab. The following screen appears.
Configure the settings as follows;
[Serial port] tab
PLC Writing and Resetting
When completing the network settings, write parameter information, then reset PLC.
If IP address of PLC does not change even after resetting, you may need to power off the PLC, then
power it on again.
Set the serial communication setting for PLC.
The Standard (9600; 1,7,2,E) is used in this example.
The Host Link is specified for Mode.
Specify the unit number.
In this example, the No.0 is used.