BRIC (Broadcast Reliable Internet Codec) is a breakthrough technology
with hardware that will deliver audio over the public Internet in much the
same way that ISDN and POTS codecs have performed in the past. BRIC
consists of three pieces:
• Rackmount ACCESS codec (which you are using)
• Portable ACCESS codec
• Switchboard Traversal Server
We will describe each piece independently:
1) Rackmount ACCESS codec — This product is designed for installa-
tion in a radio station’s “remote rack” and is designed for “always on”
operation. Hence the lack of a power switch. Also, it is envisioned that
this product will be controlled entirely from a computer connected to
the local LAN. There are no user controls on the ACCESS Rack (other
than a recessed reset button) and the only indications are audio meters
and a
light to indicate an incoming data stream. After initial con-
figuration, all connection, status and diagnostics are available via the
internal web server and Console Connection Interface.
2) Portable ACCESS codec — This product is engineered to provide the
most convenience for the remote broadcaster on the road. It combines
small size, battery power, clip-on mixer and headphone drivers with an
audio codec capable of remarkable quality on the public Internet.
3) Switchboard Traversal Server — This server exists on the public
Internet at a fixed address and performs several functions. Its use is op-
tional but makes connections between ACCESS codecs much simpler
and removes worries about dynamic IP’s, NATs, and other concerns that
can make peer-to-peer connection over the Internet difficult (especially
over tightly controlled networks like 3G or Wi-Fi). The Switchboard TS
provides the following functions:
a) Communicates with all ACCESS codecs that are provisioned
to work with it. It keeps a log of the IP address of every codec
that wishes to be subscribed.
b) Maintains a “keep alive” channel to each codec subscribed,
allowing Traversal of firewall and Network Address Translators
when receiving an incoming call.
c) Provides each subscribed ACCESS codec with a “Buddy List”
of other users, their current status, and will facilitate connec-
tion to them if desired.