ACCESS Product Manual
Q: My IT guy has apparently had way too much coffee because his
face is all red and he’s running around yelling something about
Sarbanes/Oxley and crashing the corporate network. Is there some-
thing I can give him to make him feel better about the security of the
network and his life in general?
A: Why, yes! We’ve created a special document called “Information for IT
Managers” which was written specifically to help keep the blood pressure
and stress levels of IT managers within normal tolerance. It can be found
in the
of this manual or in the Support section of our website at
Everything you always wanted to know (about EBU3326, SIP, STUN,
and compatibility with IP codecs) but were afraid to ask.
by the Codec Answer Guy
This paper describes everything you need to know about making ACCESS
and BRIC-Link codecs work with other vendors. We're diving into some
deep tech here, so grab that last cup of coffee in the pot and hang the "Do
Not Disturb" sign the office door. We're going to take a leap here and as-
sume familiarity with concepts like public and private IP addresses, NAT
routers and application-specific port numbers used by IP data. If this isn't
the case, a good overview is available in our product manuals.
What is all this about?
Comrex codecs (and many other brands) have a set of nifty protocols that
allow easy IP connections between units. So easy, in fact, that we don't
even recommend reading this paper unless you have a need to communi-
cate with non-Comrex products.
But many users are concerned about getting "locked in" to a certain codec
brand. So an international committee was formed by the European Broad-
cast Union called N/ACIP to hammer out a common protocol to inter-
connect codec brands. This committee resulted in the establishment of
EBU3326, a technical document describing how best to achieve this goal.
EBU3326 by and large establishes a set of features each codec should sup-
port, then leaves most of the heavy lifting to other, previously established
standards like SIP (IETF RFC 3261). Topics not covered (yet) by EBU3326
ebu3326, SIP, Stun
IP c