ACCESS Product Manual
ACCESS provides a powerful set of controls to determine how it connects.
Profiles Tab
allows you to define one or more profiles to assign to
outgoing remote connections. It’s often not necessary to define any pro-
files, since ACCESS ships with a set of default profiles that cover most
users. But this tab allows you to build custom profiles to allow for differ-
ent encoders in each direction, special POTS coding modes, and special
options for jitter buffer management. Keep in mind that these profiles are
useful only for connections initiated from the local ACCESS. Incoming con-
nections are defined by the ACCESS at the other end.
Profile creation is segmented into commonly used and advanced options.
In order to simplify the interface,
Advanced Options
are normally hidden
from the user.
Remember, building a profile doesn’t change how any remotes are con-
nected until that profile is assigned to a remote on the
Connections Tab
Once a profile is defined, it will be available on the
Connections Tab
to be
assigned to any defined connection.
Figure 24 - Profiles Tab