ACCESS Product Manual
Congratulations on purchasing the Comrex ACCESS codec. This product
is the next step in the evolution of audio transportation over networks.
For Comrex, this began in 1976 with the introduction of the Frequency
Extender, followed by ISDN codecs in the early 1990s and POTS codecs in
1996. So we’ve been doing this for a long time.
The ACCESS product is the result of years of our research into the state of
IP networks and audio coding algorithms. This has all been in the quest to
do what we do best, which is to leverage existing, available services to the
benefit of our core customers - radio remote broadcasters.
The heart of this product is called BRIC (Broadcast Reliable Internet
Codec). While others have introduced hardware coined “IP Codecs,” this
is the first product we’re aware of that dares to use the word Internet
“with a capital I.” Given the challenges the public Internet presents, it’s no
small boast to say that this product will perform over the majority of avail-
able connections.
BRIC represents a change that is both desirable and inevitable for remotes.
It’s inevitable because, as available connections move from old fashioned
“circuit switched” style to newer “packet switched” style, technology like
ISDN and POTS codecs will begin to work less and less often. The desir-
ability stems from the new wireless networks that will make remote broad-
casting more mobile, simpler and less expensive. BRIC technology has
been engineered not only to be robust enough for the Internet, but usable
in really challenging Internet environments like 802.11x Wi-Fi, Wi-Max, 3G
cellular and satellite based Internet connections.
Those of us here who have been remote broadcasters have been wishing
for a system like this for a long time. As former broadcasters turned de-
signers, it’s our hope that this kind of enabling technology will tickle the
imagination of the user, enabling more creative and entertaining program-
ming to be broadcast from more diverse and interesting locations. Please
let us know about your unique ideas and adventures by dropping us a
note at [email protected].