10.1 Test software
When the Collamat 3600 is connected to the terminal, it must be switched on. At this moment
the DIL-switch TEST must be set to on. The traction unit begins to turn with the speed set on
the SPEED potentiometer. The terminal shows the following message:
COLLAMAT 3600 V1.01
Motor intervall test. Use spacebar to leave
Pressing the spacebar stops the motor intervall test. Now the following help menue will be
Helpmenue for C3600 Testprogram
H : Help
M : Motortest
N : Motor intervall test
B : BUS-signal selftest
S : Signals display
D : DIL-switch settings
P : Potentiometer settings
V : Firmware Version
Select Testfunctions with the Keys H,M,N,B,S,D,P,V
The testfunctions can be called with the appropriate keys. All testfunctions can be stopped with
the spacebar.
10.1.1 Motortest
is used for measuring the phase currents of the motor. The motor turns with
the speed set on the SPEED potentiometer.
Motortest. Use spacebar to leave
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