10.1.2 Motor intervall test
Motor intervall test
tests the labelling functions of the Collamat 3600. If a label web is
threaded through the dispenser, labels will be dispensed periodically with the speed set on the
SPEED potentiometer.
Motor intervall test. Use spacebar to leave
10.1.3 BUS-signal selftest
BUS-signal selftest
tests all in- and outputs of the Collamat signalbus. For this test a
diagnostic connector (see figure 35) must be plugged into the busconnector X102 (left side).
To avoid damage of peripheral units or sensors, all sensors and bus- cables
must be removed from the connectors.
BUS-signal selftest
Testing FEED+LSC......OK
Testing FEED+READY....OK
Testing TCY+GSC1......OK
This test will display faulty signalpairs on the terminal screen. If the test is started without the
diagnostic connector the following message is displayed:
BUS-signal selftest
Testing FEED+LSC......not OK !
Testing FEED+READY....not OK !
Testing TCY+GSC1......not OK !
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