Chapter 5: Configuration with web interface
Advanced settings
Connection watchdog (Link monitoring)
Especially for M2M applications, it is recommended to use the Connection watchdog to
monitor your locally established IP connection, as it enables you to test the satellite
connectivity and to keep your PDP context alive.
With the connection watchdog activated, the terminal will send out ping commands to up to
three servers of your choice. When a data session is started, the terminal will start sending ping
commands to the Primary IP address the number of times specified. If no response is received,
it will send the same number of ping commands to the Secondary and then the Tertiary IP
address, if available. If no response is received from any of the IP addresses, the terminal will
first try to reconnect. If it fails again the terminal will eventually restart.
To set up the Connection watchdog
Do as follows:
1. Under
, select
Connection watchdog
2. Select
Enable Connection watchdog
3. At
Ping interval (minutes)
select the interval in minutes between the ping commands.
• Minimum interval is 5 minutes.
• Depending on the Ping mode (step 5), this interval is the time from
last ping
or from
last transmission
4. Select the
Number of retries
• The number of retries applies to each of the listed IP addresses (step 6).
• The time between the retries is 40 seconds.
• 40 seconds after the stated number of retries on an IP address, the next IP address on
the list is pinged with the same number of retries.
5. Select the
Ping mode.
Ping always
Always send ping, regardless of data traffic
Ping when no traffic
Send ping only if no data traffic is ongoing
6. Type in the Primary and optionally the Secondary and Tertiary IP address.
This is the IP address of the server(s) to which the terminal will send ping commands.
7. Click
If no response is received from any of the IP addresses, the terminal will first try to reconnect
and go through the entire procedure once again. If it fails on all IP addresses again, the terminal
will eventually restart.
Ping commands are sent on all active data connections. The data connection must be
activated before the Connection watchdog can start. See
Use a server that is reliable and that responds to ICMP Echo Requests.