Chapter 6: Maintenance and troubleshooting
Software update
Software update
Remote software update
You can initiate a remote software upgrade with an AT command, either from the command
interface or encapsulated in an SMS (ATCO command).
tells the terminal to get software from an FTP server and either upgrade the
terminal software or download the software file to the terminal for later upgrade.
tells the terminal to upgrade its software to the downloaded file.
For syntax and parameters, see
To upgrade the software
If you have an M2M subscription, the EXPLORER 323 software should be available from the
Inmarsat FTP server. If not, download the new software
or acquire the software from Cobham
SATCOM and place it on your FTP server.
1. To access the EXPLORER 323, use one of the following:
• a computer connected to the Internet, see
To access the terminal using AT commands
• equipment capable of sending and receiving SMS messages, see
Note that you need a password for both access methods. For AT commands, use the
AT_ICLCK command with the admin password, for SMS, use the remote SMS password.
2. Use the command
to initiate the software download (and maybe upgrade)
from the specified FTP server. If you are using default APN and default FTP server these
can be left out.
In this example, the terminal will get the software from the default FTP server via the
default APN and download and then upgrade the software in the terminal.
3. The terminal prepares for software update, connects to the specified FTP server and
downloads the software image.
FTP server: With M2M subscription you can use Inmarsat’s M2M FUP server (default
FTP server for software upgrade). This is not available for Non-M2M subscriptions.
1. You can download the software from the “Cobham SYNC Partner Portal” at
, select
Cobham SYNC Partner Portal
. Locate
the EXPLORER 323 software.
The Inmarsat FTP server for firmware upgrade is only available with M2M
subscription. If you have a non-M2M subscription you must specify a third party
FTP server for the software upgrade.