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Park ing Lights
The Cyber 4 has built-in parking light relays.
To determine whether the vehicle has single or dual parking light circuit(s), you must access
the fuse panel. A single circuit has one fuse; a dual circuit has two.
Sin gle Park ing Light Cir cuit (Most Japa nese and Ameri can Ve hi cles)
1. Turn on the parking lights and access the Parking Light wiring in one of the following
Near the head light switch
In the door sill har ness go ing to the rear lights
At any of the four Park ing Light bulbs
2. If working underdash, be sure to turn the dashlight dimmer to its lowest setting.
3. Connect a voltmeter lead to ground and find the single wire that shows +12v when the
parking lights are on and 0 volts when they are off.
4. Connect
of the BROWN wires to the parking light wires.
Dual Park ing Light Cir cuit (Most Euro pean Ve hi cles)
1. Turn on the parking lights and access the Parking Light wiring in one of the following
Near the head light switch
In the door sill har ness go ing to the rear lights
At any of the four Park ing Light bulbs
2. If working underdash, be sure to turn the dashlight dimmer to its lowest setting.
3. Connect a voltmeter lead to ground and find the two wires that show +12v when the
parking lights are on and 0 volts when they are off.
4. Connect one lead to the left-side Parking Light circuit and connect the other lead to the
right side circuit.
NOTE: Never con nect the RED/WHITE wire to ground. Al ways pick up the
positive- switching park ing light line(s).