Pas sen ger Com part ment Con nec tions (Con tin ued)
LED Status In di ca tor
Select a prominent location on the dash or console visible through all windows. Discuss
placement with the owner.
1. Verify there is adequate space to accommodate the LED, then drill a 5/16” (8mm) hole
and route the wires through it.
2. Mate the LED connectors to the VIOLET and BLACK wire connectors as shown in the
diagram on page 4.
3. Press the LED into place.
Plain View 2 Coded Valet Switch
1. Discuss placement of the switch with the vehicle owner and avoid placing the switch
where it can be pressed accidentally.
2. Verify there is adequate space behind the selected location to accommodate the switch.
3. Drill a 5/16” (8mm) mounting hole, then insert the wires through the hole and mount the
4. Mate the switch’s locking connectors to the WHITE and BLACK locking connector.
5. Remove the adhesive backing and press into place.
Dual- Zone Piezo Sen sor
Mount the Dual-Zone Piezo Sensor in the passenger compartment, not in the engine
1. Firmly mount the sensor near the base of the steering column (if the steering column has a
rotating sleeve, firmly screw the sensor to the interior firewall, kick panel or trunk wall).
Make certain that the adjustment screw is accessible.
2. Mate the sensor to the connector on the wireloom from the control unit with the BLACK,
RED, ORANGE and BLUE wires.
Trunk Trig ger
Vehicles with a ground-switching trunk light will interface directly with the Cyber 4 (on positive
switching Rolls-Royce vehicles, use a relay to invert polarity). The switch may be located in or
near the trunk latch or at the trunk light. If a switch cannot be located, you must add a pin
switch in a location away from water channels.
NOTE: If the ve hi cle has a dash board trunk ajar in di ca tor, in stall a 1A di ode
be tween the light and switch with the di ode band point ing to ward the
1. Connect the GRAY/YELLOW wire to the trunk switch (between the diode and switch if
you added a diode).