Pas sen ger Com part ment Con nec tions (Con tin ued)
Door Trig ger/In te rior Light Sup ply (Con tin ued)
5. Connect the system’s thin GRAY wire to the door wire.
6. If the trigger wire is negative, connect the system’s BROWN/RED interior light supply
wire to ground. If the trigger wire is positive, connect the system’s BROWN/RED interior
light supply wire to the RED/WHITE wire.
NOTE: Clif ford Elec tron ics’ web site for Autho rized Clif ford Deal ers has
de tailed de scrip tions of wire col ors and lo ca tions for most for eign and
do mes tic ve hi cles. In stal la tion dia grams and pro gram ming pro ce dures for
older Clif ford prod ucts are also avail able. Just visit www.clif ford deal
for as sis tance 24- hours per day.
Cen tral Door Lock ing Sys tem
Please refer to the
Door Locks
section below for information on circuit types and connections.
When adding an IntelliStart 4 to the Cyber 4, it is recommended that RPM-depending door
locking be selected. The RPM-dependent door locking feature is only available with the
addition of the IntelliStart 4.
Door Locks
WARN ING: If the power door locks do not op er ate prop erly when the sys tem
is armed and dis armed, DO NOT USE THE VE HI CLE’S DOOR LOCK SWITCH! If
the con trol unit’s door lock wires are mis wired, per ma nent dam age to the
con trol unit or to the car’s elec tri cal sys tem and door lock ser vos will re sult. If
you re quire as sis tance, call the Clif ford Tech ni cal Sup port Helpline PRIOR to
wir ing the door locks.
Cyber 4 systems provide power door lock interface capabilities and are able to interface with
any power door lock configuration including some Mercedes Benz and Audi vehicles that
require a 3-second lock pulse (pulse duration is installer-programmable) and with any car
’Volkswagens and Nissans, for example) that require double unlock pulse. If the ve hi cle is not
equipped with power door locks, you may op tion ally add up to four #60- 516 Door Lock
Ser vos.
De ter min ing the Door Lock Sys tem Type
1. Remove the door lock switch on the driver’s side of the vehicle to reveal the switch wires.
a. If there are four or more wires, make the connections shown in Diagram 4 for
reverse polarity.
b. If there are three wires, proceed to step 2.
c. If the vehicle is a Nissan and it does not have a door lock switch, find the single
wire in the driver’s kick panel that shows ground when the locks are unlocked and
“open” when the locks are locked. Cut this wire and make the connections shown
in Door Lock/Unlock Diagram 3.
2. Connect the negative voltmeter lead to ground and probe each wire while
locking/unlocking. If the voltmeter show +12v while activating the switch, make the
connections shown in Door Lock/Unlock Diagram 1 for positive trigger. Otherwise, go to
step 3.
3. Repeat step 2 with the negative voltmeter lead connected to +12v. If the voltmeter shows
+12v while activating the switch, make the connections shown in Door Lock/Unlock
Diagram 2 for negative trigger.
4. Locks controlled from the driver’s door key require installation of just one #60-516 servo
in the driver’s door. Vehicles without factory power locks require a servo in each door.
Mount the servo(s) and make the connections shown in Door Lock/Unlock Diagram 5.