Revision date: 10.04.16
5. Once end panel is pulled in place and temporarily secured, take the 1" strapping and weave end of strap through
D-rings and around rafter upper pipe as shown in example below. Begin at the bottom of the panel and work up and
around the rafter to the other end of the panel.
End panel flap that extends beyond the D-rings is tucked between rafter and main cover bonnet after bonnet is
pulled back over the end rafter.
6. Stretch bottom of end panel evenly out on ground along bottom frame tube (if needed) and tighten the 1" strap at end
panel top.
Verify lower end of panel remains on ground as top is tightened. (In a later step, end panel is stretched from
the bottom to pull panel tight and into position using the end panel horizontal conduit, straps, and ratchets.)
7. With top edge of end panel secured to top chord of end rafter and panel evenly stretched, continue with End Panel
Conduit Installation steps.
Photo above shows a building with main cover already installed. View is from inside looking up at the rafter and main
cover. Rafter design differs from rafter of your building.
Main Cover
End Panel
Strap with D-rings
at the top edge of
the end panel.
Main security strap wrapped
through D-rings and around
the end rafter.
Bottom Chord
of End Rafter
Upper Chord
of End Rafter