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Installation Manual

Manuel d’installation

Manual de instalación

Symbol Identifi cation

This manual uses symbols and icons to indicate safety precautions 
and concerns during the installation procedure. Be sure to carefully 
read and understand each precaution prior to beginning the 


This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of 
important operating instructions. Failure to heed the 
instructions may result in severe injury or death.



This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of 
important operating instructions. Failure to heed the 
instructions can result in injury or material damage.

Before Use


Confi rm the battery voltage of the vehicle to be installed. This 


unit is designed only for vehicles with DC 12V power supply.
Disconnect the negative terminal of the battery before 


connecting wires, otherwise an electric shock, injury by short 
circuit may occur.

Car battery

Installation Precautions


When installing the unit to a vehicle with an airbag system, 


never install it in a place where it may affect the operation of 
the airbag.
Do not install this unit in the following locations:


A location interfering with the driver’s visual range or 
A location where the gear shift or brake pedal are hindered.
A location where passengers are at risk.
An unstable location, or where the system may fall.



Do not install the system in the locations described below. 


This may cause a fi re, accident or electrical shock:
A location exposed to rain or dust.
An unstable location, or where the system may fall.
Do not install this unit in a place exposed to direct sunlight, 


heat or a place where the vent holes or heat radiation holes 
are covered.
When you install the antenna, mount it in a place where the 


elements of the antenna do not protrude beyond the edge of 
the front, back, left and right of the vehicle.
If it comes in contact with pedestrians, it may cause an 

Installation Notes


Please note the position of pipes, tanks and electrical wirings 
before installing the unit into the vehicle; failure in avoiding 
these may cause a fi re or malfunction.



Use only the supplied parts.  If unspecifi ed parts are used, 


they may cause damage.
Any holes made in the body of the vehicle should be sealed 


with a silicon adhesive.  If exhaust fumes or water penetrates 
into the vehicle, this may cause an accident.
Fasten the bolts securely when installing the unit.  If the 


bolts are loose an accident or malfunction could occur.

Connection Notes


Loom all cables according to the instruction manual, so as 


not to hinder operation.
Wire the connecting cords/cables away from high 


temperature areas. If the coatings of the cables melt, it could 
cause an accident/fi re by a short circuit.  Take care when 
wiring in the engine compartment.
When wiring the connecting cables in a vehicle with an 


airbag system, never feed the cables through a place where it 
may affect the operation of the airbag.
An airbag not operating correctly in an emergency may 
cause increased injury.



Verify wires with a digital multi-meter prior to making any 


connections.  Many new vehicles use multiplexed and/or low 
voltage circuits that can be damaged if a test light or logic 
probe is used.
Connect cables appropriately.  If a wrong connection is 


made, this may cause a fi re or accident.
When passing cables through the body of the vehicle, use 


non-conductive grommets.  If the coatings of the cables are 
worn out by rubbing, this may cause an accident, fi re or a 
short circuit.
After wiring cables, fi x them with insulation tape.


Be sure to switch off the vehicle when connecting or 


disconnecting cords to/from the unit, otherwise an electric 
shock, injury or accident may occur.


For your safety, the driver should not watch the DVD video/
movie data or operate the controls while driving.  Please note 
that watching and operating the DVD video/movie data while 
driving are prohibited by law in some countries.  Also, while 
driving, keep the volume to a level at which external sounds 
can be heard.

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for 
a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These 
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful 
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, 
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and 
used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful 
interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee 
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this 
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television 
reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and 
on, the user is encouraged to consult the dealer or an experienced 
radio/TV technician for help.



Identifi cación de los símbolos

Este manual utiliza símbolos e iconos para indicar precauciones de 
seguridad y cuestiones que se pueden producir durante el 
procedimiento de instalación. Asegúrese de leer detenidamente y 
entender cada medida de precaución antes de empezar la instalación.


Este símbolo se utiliza para avisar al usuario de la presencia 
de instrucciones de funcionamiento importantes. Si no se 
siguen las instrucciones indicadas se pueden producir 
lesiones graves o mortales.



Este símbolo se utiliza para avisar al usuario de la presencia 
de instrucciones de funcionamiento importantes. Si no se 
siguen las instrucciones indicadas se pueden producir 
lesiones o daños en los materiales.

Antes de su utilización


Compruebe el voltaje de la batería del vehículo que se va a 


instalar. Esta unidad está diseñada sólo para vehículos con 
una fuente de alimentación de 12V CC.
Desconecte el terminal negativo de la batería antes de 


conectar los cables, de lo contrario es posible que se 
produzca una descarga eléctrica o lesiones debidas a un 

Batería del automóvil

Precauciones durante la instalación


Cuando se instale la unidad en un vehículo que tenga un 


sistema de airbag, no la instale nunca en un lugar donde 
pueda afectar al funcionamiento del airbag.
No instale esta unidad en las ubicaciones siguientes:


Un lugar donde interfi era con el alcance visual del conductor 
o su manejo.
Un lugar donde difi culte el manejo de la palanca de cambios 
o del pedal del freno.
Un lugar donde los acompañantes corran peligro. 
Un lugar inestable o en el que el sistema pueda caerse.



No instale el sistema en los lugares que se describen a 


continuación. Podría provocar un incendio, un accidente o 
una descarga eléctrica:
Un lugar expuesto a la lluvia o al polvo.
Un lugar inestable o en el que el sistema pueda caerse.
No instale esta unidad en un lugar expuesto a la luz directa 


del sol, el calor o un lugar donde estén cubiertos los orifi cios 
de ventilación o los orifi cios por los que escapa el calor.
Al instalar la antena, móntela en un lugar donde los 


elementos de la antena no sobresalgan más allá del borde de 
la parte delantera, trasera, izquierda y derecha del vehículo.
Si entra en contacto con los peatones, puede provocar un 

Notas sobre la instalación


Tenga en cuenta la posición de los tubos, tanques y cableado 
eléctrico antes de instalar la unidad en el vehículo; de lo 
contrario puede provocar un incendio o un fallo en el 



Utilice únicamente las piezas que se suministran.  Si se 


utilizan piezas sin especifi car, pueden provocar daños.
Cualquier orifi cio que se realice en la carrocería del vehículo 


debe sellarse con un adhesivo de silicona.  Si entra el humo 
de los tubos de escape o agua en el vehículo, puede 
provocar un accidente.
Apriete los pernos fi rmemente al instalar la unidad.  Si los 


pernos están fl ojos se puede producir un accidente o un 
fallo en el funcionamiento.

Notas sobre la conexión


Coloque los cables según se indica en el manual de 


instrucciones, de modo que no obstruyan el funcionamiento.
Conecte los cables de conexión lejos de zonas que tengan 


temperaturas altas. Si el revestimiento de los cables se 
derrite, podría provocar un accidente o un incendio debido a 
un cortocircuito.  Tenga cuidado al realizar el cableado en el 
compartimento del motor.
Cuando instale los cables de conexión en un vehículo que 


tenga un sistema de airbag, nunca los coloque en un lugar 
donde puedan afectar al funcionamiento del airbag.
Un airbag que no funcione correctamente en una emergencia 
puede aumentar las lesiones.



Verifi que los cables con un multímetro digital antes de 


realizar más conexiones.  La mayoría de los vehículos 
nuevos utilizan circuitos múltiples y/o de bajo voltaje que se 
pueden dañar si se utiliza una luz de prueba o una sonda 
Conecte los cables correctamente. Si se realiza una conexión 


incorrecta, puede provocar un incendio o un accidente.
Cuando pase cables a través de la carrocería del vehículo, 


utilice anillos que no sean conductores de la electricidad.
Si los revestimientos de los cables están desgastados 
debido al rozamiento, se puede provocar un accidente, un 
incendio o un cortocircuito.
Después de instalar los cables, sujételos con cinta aislante.


Asegúrese de apagar el vehículo al conectar o desconectar 


los cables con la unidad, de lo contrario se podría producir 
una descarga eléctrica, una lesión o un accidente.


Para su seguridad, no permita que el conductor mire la película 
o vídeo de DVD ni utilice los controles mientras esté 
conduciendo. Tenga en cuenta que, en algunos países, el uso o 
la visualización de un vídeo o película de DVD están 
prohibidos por la ley. Asimismo, mientras conduzca, mantenga 
el volumen a un nivel con el que también puedan oírse los 
sonidos externos.

Este equipo ha sido probado y cumple con los límites establecidos 
para un dispositivo digital de clase B, de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en 
el apartado 15 de las reglas de la FCC. Estos límites se han 
establecido para ofrecer protección ante interferencias perjudiciales 
en una instalación residencial. Este equipo genera, utiliza y puede 
irradiar energía de radiofrecuencia y, si no se instala y utiliza 
siguiendo las instrucciones pertinentes, puede originar interferencias 
perjudiciales en las radiocomunicaciones. No obstante, no se 
garantiza la ausencia de interferencias en una instalación 
determinada. Si este equipo provoca interferencias perjudiciales en la 
recepción de radio o televisión, lo cual puede determinarse apagando 
y encendiendo el aparato, el usuario deberá ponerse en contacto con 
su distribuidor o con un técnico especializado en radio y televisión 
para solicitar asistencia.



Identifi cation des symboles

Ce manuel utilise des symboles et des icônes pour indiquer les 
consignes de sécurité et les précautions à prendre lors de la 
procédure d’installation. Veuillez les lire attentivement et comprendre 
chaque précaution à prendre avant de commencer l’installation.


Ce symbole a pour objectif d’avertir l’utilisateur de la présence 
d’importantes instructions d’utilisation. La non observation de 
ces instructions risque d’entraîner des lésions corporelles 
susceptibles d’être mortelles.



Ce symbole a pour objectif d’avertir l’utilisateur de la présence 
d’importantes instructions d’utilisation. La non observation de 
ces instructions risque d’entraîner des lésions corporelles ou 
des dommages matériels.

Avant toute utilisation


Vérifi ez la tension de la batterie du véhicule sur lequel 


effectuer l’installation. Cet appareil est conçu uniquement 
pour les véhicules alimentés en CC12V.
Débranchez la borne négative de la batterie avant de 


raccorder les fi ls pour éviter toute électrocution ou blessure 
provoquée par un court-circuit.

Batterie du véhicule

Précautions d’installation


Lors de l’installation de l’appareil dans un véhicule équipé 


d’un système d’airbag, ne le placez jamais à un endroit où il 
pourrait entraver le fonctionnement de l’airbag.
N’installez jamais l’appareil dans les endroits suivants:


un endroit où il gênerait le champ de vision ou de manœuvre 
du conducteur;
un endroit où il entraverait le fonctionnement du levier de 
vitesses ou de la pédale de frein; 
un endroit où les passagers seraient en danger;
un endroit instable et où le système risquerait de tomber.



N’installez pas le système dans les endroits énumérés 


ci-dessous. Cela risquerait de provoquer un accident, un 
incendie ou une électrocution:
un endroit exposé à la pluie ou à la poussière;
un endroit instable et où le système risquerait de tomber.
N’installez pas l’appareil dans un endroit exposé à la lumière 


directe du soleil ou à la chaleur ou dans un endroit où les 
orifi ces de ventilation ou les orifi ces d’évacuation de la 
chaleur sont obstrués.
Lorsque vous installez l’antenne, fi xez-la à un endroit où les 


éléments de l’antenne ne dépassent pas des bords avant, 
arrière, gauche et droit du véhicule. 
Si elle entre en contact avec des piétons, cela risquerait de 
provoquer un accident.

Remarques à propos de l’installation


Notez l’emplacement des conduites, réservoirs et câbles 


électriques avant d’installer l’appareil sur le véhicule. Sinon, 
vous risquer de provoquer un incendie ou un fonctionnement 



Utilisez uniquement les pièces fournies.  Si vous utilisez des 


pièces non spécifi ées, cela risque d’endommager l’appareil.
Tout orifi ce effectué dans le corps du véhicule doit être 


scellé à l’aide d’un adhésif à base de silicone.  Si des gaz 
d’échappement ou de l’eau pénètre dans le véhicule, cela 
risque de provoquer un accident.
Lors de l’installation de l’appareil, serrez fermement les 


boulons.  Si les boulons sont lâches, cela risque de 
provoquer un accident ou d’entraîner un dysfonctionnement.

Remarques à propos du raccordement


Isolez tous les câbles conformément au mode d’emploi afi n 


de ne pas entraver le fonctionnement.
Branchez les câbles de raccordement à l’écart des zones où 


la température est élevé. Si la gaine des câbles fond, un 
court-circuit risquerait de survenir et de provoquer un 
accident ou un incendie.
Soyez vigilant lorsque vous effectuez les raccordements 
dans le compartiment moteur.
Lors de l’installation de l’appareil dans un véhicule équipé 


d’un système d’airbag, ne passez jamais ces câbles par des 
endroits où ils pourraient entraver le fonctionnement de 
Si l’airbag ne fonctionne pas correctement en cas d’urgence, 
cela risque d’aggraver les lésions corporelles.



Vérifi ez les fi ls à l’aide d’un multimètre numérique avant 


d’effectuer tout raccordement. De nombreux nouveaux 
véhicules utilisent des circuits à faible tension et/ou 
multiplexés qui risquent d’être endommagés en cas 
d’utilisation d’une lampe témoin ou d’une sonde logique.
Raccordez correctement les câbles. Un raccordement 


incorrect risquerait de provoquer un incendie ou un accident.
Lorsque vous faites passer les câbles à travers la carrosserie 


du véhicule, utilisez des rondelles non conductrices.  Des 
gaines de câbles usées à force de frottements risquent de 
provoquer un accident, un incendie ou un court-circuit.
Une fois le câblage terminé, fi xez les câbles à l’aide d’un 


ruban isolant.
Veillez à couper le contact du véhicule lors du raccordement 


ou du débranchement des câbles depuis/vers l’appareil, 
sinon vous risqueriez de vous électrocuter, de vous blesser 
ou de provoquer un accident.


Pour des raisons de sécurité, le conducteur ne doit pas 
regarder des DVD vidéo, ni actionner les commandes en 
conduisant. Notez que cela est interdit par la loi dans de 
nombreux pays.
Par ailleurs, le volume doit également être réglé à un niveau qui 
permette de percevoir les sons extérieurs.

Cet appareil a été testé et jugé conforme aux limites des appareils 
numériques de classe B, conformément aux termes de la section15 
du règlement du FCC. Ces limites ont pour but d’assurer une 
protection raisonnable contre les interférences parasites dans une 
installation résidentielle. Cet appareil génère, utilise et peut émettre 
une énergie radioélectrique et, s’il n’est pas installé et utilisé en stricte 
conformité avec ces instructions, peut provoquer des interférences 
parasites dans les liaisons radiophoniques. Ceci ne garantit pas pour 
autant qu’une installation particulière n’émettra aucune interférence. Si 
l’appareil engendre des interférences parasites avec la réception radio 
ou télévision (ce qui peut être déterminé en éteignant puis en 
rallumant l’appareil), il est conseillé de consulter votre revendeur ou 
un technicien radio/télévision expérimenté.







For USA and Canada only

Dear Customer:

Congratulations on your purchase of a Clarion mobile electronic product. We are confi dent 
that you’ll enjoy your Clarion experience.
There are many benefi ts to registering your product. We invite you to visit our website at to register your Clarion product.
We have made product registration simple with our easy to use website. The registration 
form is short and easy to complete.  Once you’re registered, we can keep you informed of 
important product information.
Register at - it’s easy to keep your Clarion product up to date.


Pour les Étas Unis et le Canada seulement

Cher client:

Nous vous remercions d’avoir acheté ce produit électronique mobile Clarion. Nous sommes 
confi ants que vous apprécierez votre expérience Clarion.
Il y a beaucoup d’avantage à enregistrer votre produits. Nous vous invitons à visiter notre 
site Web pour enregistrer votre produit Clarion.
Nous avons facilité la tache d’enregistrement de produit simple et facile grâce à notre site Web.
Le formulaire d’enregistrement est court et facile à compléter. Lorsque vous êtes enregistrer, 
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Enregistrer à - c’est facile de mettre à jour votre produit Clarion.


Para USA y Canada nomas

Querido Cliente:

Felicitaciones por su compra de producto electrónico móvil de Clarion. Estamos seguros 
que usted gozará de su experiencia con el producto de Clarion.
Hay muchas ventajas al registrar su producto. Le invitamos a que visite nuestro sitio en 
internet para registrar su producto de Clarion.
Hemos hecho el registro de producto fácil en nuestro sitio. La forma de registro es corta y 
fácil de completar. Una vez que lo registre, podremos proporcionarle la información de su 
Registrese en - es fácil mantener su producto de Clarion actualizado.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject 
to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2)  this device must accept any interference received, including 

interference that may cause undesired operation.

This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 
du Canada.

IC: 419C-QY5014




NX700̲NA.indd   1

NX700̲NA.indd   1

09.12.8   10:38:00 AM

09.12.8   10:38:00 AM

Содержание NX700

Страница 1: ...2 DIN MEMORY NAVIGATION DVD MULTIMEDIA STATION WITH 7 inch TOUCH PANEL CONTROL Owner s manual Installation manual NX700 ...

Страница 2: ...enregistrer votre produits Nous vous invitons à visiter notre site Web www clarion com pour enregistrer votre produit Clarion Nous avons facilité la tache d enregistrement de produit simple et facile grâce à notre site Web Le formulaire d enregistrement est court et facile à compléter Lorsque vous êtes enregistrer nous pouvons vous tenir informé des informations important de produits Enregistrer à...

Страница 3: ...C OPERATIONS 14 Turning On and Off the Power 14 Adjusting the Volume 15 Opening the Operation Panel and Adjusting the Angle 15 Turning the Audio OFF 16 Turning the Monitor OFF 17 Displaying the Clock Screen 17 Setting Ejecting a Disc 17 Connecting Disconnecting an USB Media Device 18 Selecting a Media Source 20 2 Zone Function 20 5 SOURCE OPERATIONS 21 Radio Operations 21 DVD Video Operations 23 A...

Страница 4: ...Expanding Systems 1 FEATURES NX700 Expanding audio features 4 Channel Amplifier Rear Vision Camera CC2011 CAA185 Rear Monitor iPod iPhone USB Memory VTR etc Note The items listed outside of the frames are the commercial products generally sold Expanding visual features Sirius Tuner XM Mini Tuner via Translator Adapter sold separately Bluetooth Telephone ...

Страница 5: cannot be played back This player cannot play DVD Audio DVD RAM Video CDs Photo CDs etc Note It may not be possible to play back discs recorded on some CD DVD drive units Cause disc characteristics cracks dust dirt dust dirt on player s lens etc If a CD R RW DVD R RW or DVD R RW disc that has not been finalized is played it will take a long time to start playing Also it may not be possible to p...

Страница 6: ...ical parts of the player do not use the player for about one hour The condensation will disappear naturally allowing normal operation 2 Driving on extremely bumpy roads which cause severe vibration may cause the sound to skip 3 This unit uses a precision mechanism Even in the event that trouble arises never open the case disassemble the unit or lubricate the rotating parts 4 This equipment has bee...

Страница 7: ...emote control sensor is exposed to direct sunlight In extremely cold weather the display movement may slow down and the display may darken but this is not a malfunction The display will work normally when the temperature increases Small black and shiny spots inside the operation panel are normal for LCD products The operation panel may stop temporarily when it opens or closes when the engine stops...

Страница 8: to iPod and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards Works with iPhone means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPhone and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards iPod is a trademark...

Страница 9: set to On from the System tab menu on the General screen blinks when the ACC power is turned off SD memory card slot SD memory card function is available in the Navi mode For more information about the SD memory card function see your User Manual for the Navi mode Note When you insert the SD memory card stored music files they cannot be read in this unit ...

Страница 10: ...r is automatically turned off Once turn off the engine switch then restart the engine again When power is first turned on after initial installation When an external device is connected or disconnected When Reset button is pressed In addition to the above conditions the system check function can be performed from the System tab menu on the General screen Note 1 These images indicate the buttons to...

Страница 11: ...9 NX700 English Owner s manual Tuner mode operation Source screen Switches the radio band Preset ch Manual tuning Selects Home Travel modes Select desired station after selecting radio band Seek tuning ...

Страница 12: ...creen DVD Video mode screen 2 Options screen Setup screen Screen during DVD Video mode when automobile moving Note 2 If you do not touch the screen for about 7 seconds all the keys on the screen will disappear Touch the screen surface to redisplay them DVD top menu 2 ...

Страница 13: ...11 NX700 English Owner s manual Adjusting the General settings Settings screen General screen System tab screen Display tab screen Source or Mode screen ...

Страница 14: ...12 NX700 English Owner s manual Adjusting the Audio settings Settings screen Audio screen Others tab screen Beat EQ tab screen BAL FAD tab screen Source or Mode screen ...

Страница 15: ... work upon the Sub zone only Note The steering wheel remote control operations work upon the Main zone even when the 2 Zone function is ON AUDIO button Press to set the Audio language in DVD Video and DivX modes SUBTITLE button Press to display subtitles in DVD Video and DivX modes ANGLE button Press to switch among the angles when DVD video discs recorded in multiple angles are played back TOP ME...

Страница 16: ... Tuner Sirius and XM modes disabled when 2 Zone ON Press to select the next lower or higher chapter number in DVD Video mode Press to select the next lower or higher track in CDDA MP3 WMA AAC DivX and USB modes Keep pressing to perform fast backward or fast forward playback in DVD and USB modes Note Be sure to read this chapter referring to the chapter 3 CONTROLS page 6 Turning On and Off the Powe...

Страница 17: ... the unit or light coming into the car Opening closing the operation panel 1 Touch the o Eject key to display the following Eject screen 2 Touch the Open Close key The operation panel will be opened 3 Touch the Open Close key when the operation panel is open The operation panel will be closed The operation panel will close automatically when leaving it open for a while 4 Touch the Back key to retu...

Страница 18: ... closed 3 When the adjustment is finished touch the Back key to return to the previous screen Returning the operation panel to the original angle 1 Touch and hold the Tilt key The operation panel will move and stop at 30 2 Touch and hold the Tilt key again The operation panel will move and stop at 0 Turning the Audio OFF You can turn off all of the AV features 1 Press the SRC button to display the...

Страница 19: ...arks If you try to play such a disc you may not be able to get it back out of the DVD player or it may damage the DVD player Do not use discs that have large scratches are misshapen cracked etc Use of such discs may cause misoperation or damage To remove a disc from its storage case press down on the center of the case and lift the disc out holding it carefully by the edges Do not use commercially...

Страница 20: ...d 3 Remove the disc carefully 4 Touch the Open Close key to close the operation panel The operation panel will close automatically when leaving it open for a while 5 Touch the Back key Note If you force a disc into the insertion slot before auto reloading this can damage the disc Connecting Disconnecting an USB Media Device This unit has one USB Universal Serial Bus connector which is compatible w...

Страница 21: ...connected The system is switched to the iPod mode See iPod Operations page 39 When an USB memory is connected The system is switched to the USB Memory mode See USB Memory Operations page 42 Note Never insert foreign objects into the USB connector Always insert the USB media device fully into the connector Incomplete connections may cause the device not to be recognized Disconnecting an USB media d...

Страница 22: ... to enjoy a different video source from the source played on the operation panel of this unit The source sounds of the Main zone are output from the speakers of the vehicle side and those of the Sub zone are from the optional headphone systems Controlling a source assigned to the Sub zone can be made by using the optional remote control unit To control it from this unit once assign the same source...

Страница 23: ...he same source mode as assigned to the Sub zone for the Main zone and then control it Turning off the 2 Zone function 1 Press the SRC button to display the Source screen 2 Touch the 2 Zone tab to display the 2 Zone tab screen 3 Touch and hold the 2 Zone Off key for more than 1 second Radio Operations Listening to the radio 1 Press the SRC button and touch the Tuner key The Tuner mode screen is dis...

Страница 24: or Travel mode 2 Touch the Band key to select the band 3 Touch the corresponding Preset key to recall the stored station Touching and holding the desired Preset key for more than 2 seconds will store the current station to the preset memory Manual memory 1 Touch the Home Travel key to select the Home or Travel mode 2 Touch the Band key to select the band you wish to store 3 Tune in the station ...

Страница 25: ...rmed in the middle of DVD video play the disc will restart from beginning Displaying the DVD Setup screen 1 Touch the screen to display the DVD Video mode screen 2 Touch the Options key to display the Options menu 3 Touch the Setup key to display the Setup screen Touch the key to display the next page Touch the key to return to the previous page 4 Perform setting for the desired setting items See ...

Страница 26: ...Setting up the subtitle language The factory default setting is English Setting up the password for setting up of the parental level The factory default setting is 0000 Note When a disc with view restrictions is inserted you will be prompted to input a password The disc will not be viewable until the correct password is entered 4 1 Touch the On or Off key of the Angle item to turn the Angle functi...

Страница 27: ...s The volume setting during DVD playback does not affect the volume of the other modes and the volume setting in the other modes does not affect the DVD playback When the DVD menu is displayed For general DVD Video discs the DVD menu may appear After the DVD menu is displayed select an item in the operations described as follows 4 1 Touch the key of the Country Code item 4 2 Touch the ten key 0 to...

Страница 28: ... is expanded so that the top and bottom edges of the image fit to the screen and that the aspect ratio of the image becomes 4 3 The aspect ratio of the image may be changed Wide The image is expanded so that the left and right edges of the image fit to the screen The top and bottom areas of the image may be cut off 3 Touch the Hide key to return to the playback screen DVD menu operations Showing t...

Страница 29: ... reproduced during slow playback Fast forward and fast backward 1 Showing the DVD Video mode screen touch and hold the Chapter or Chapter key during playback Chapter key Fast forward Chapter key Fast backward The playback speed becomes 4 time faster at first and then 16 time faster 3 seconds later Releasing the key resumes the normal speed playback No audio is reproduced during fast forward and fa...

Страница 30: the audio languages during playback 1 Showing the DVD Video mode screen touch the Options key 2 Touch the Audio key during playback Each time you touch the key you can switch among audio languages Depending on the disc up to 8 audios may be recorded For details see the mark of the disc Indicates that 8 audios have been recorded Depending on the disc switching may be completely impossible or im...

Страница 31: ... key 2 Touch the On or Off key of the P Time item during playback 3 Touch the Back key to return to the previous screen Playback status is displayed on the screen Audio CD Operations This system is a CD TEXT compatible model and supports the display of the DISC TITLE TRACK TITLE and TRACK ARTIST or DISK ARTIST of the CD TEXT Note This unit supports only CD TEXT in English Also some character data ...

Страница 32: ...ation plays back all tracks on the disc in no particular order T RDM is displayed on the screen You can also specify this function by touching the Random key on the CDDA mode screen 3 To cancel the play touch the Track key of the function to cancel 4 Touch the Back key to return to the previous screen Scrolling track titles When a title or name displayed on the screen is longer than the text area ...

Страница 33: ...1 kHz Set the Bit Rate to 48 64 80 96 128 160 or 192 kbps Add a file extension WMA or wma using single byte characters For AAC files This system supports only the MPEG4 Audio files encoded by the iTunes Set the Sampling Frequency to 44 1 or 48 kHz Set the Bit Rate to within ranges from 16 to 320 kbps VBR Add a file extension M4A or m4a using single byte characters Precautions when preparing a disc...

Страница 34: ...d and playback starts Touching the Track key starts playback from the beginning of the next track Touching the Track key starts playback from the beginning of the current track When this key is touched again within about 2 seconds playback starts from the beginning of the previous track These functions perform in the current folder only Fast forward and fast backward 1 Touch and hold the Track or ...

Страница 35: ...ether with DivX files in a disc or folder You can select whether such discs are regarded as MP3 WMA AAC discs or as DivX discs 1 Touch the Options key 2 Touch the Audio or Video key of the Playform item to specify the setting Audio Discs are regarded as MP3 WMA AAC discs Video Discs are regarded as DivX discs 3 Touch the Back key if required Note This setting is disabled when a Mixed Mode CD which...

Страница 36: ...nd then engage the parking brake again You can store DivX files and the MP3 WMA AAC files together in a disc or folder In such a case you can select whether the disc is regarded as a DivX disc or as an MP3 WMA AAC disc See Setting the Playform of discs recorded with audio files page 36 When a disc is already set 1 Press the SRC button to display the Source screen 2 Touch the DVD key to select the ...

Страница 37: ...ct ratio of the image may be changed Wide The image is expanded so that the left and right edges of the image fit to the screen The top and bottom areas of the image may be cut off 3 Touch the Hide key to return to the playback screen Searching with a folder track number You can specify a file to play using the folder number or track number 1 Showing the DivX mode screen touch the Options key 2 To...

Страница 38: ...dio Discs are regarded as MP3 WMA AAC discs Video Discs are regarded as DivX discs 3 Touch the Back key if required Note This setting is disabled when a Mixed Mode CD which contains both data track and audio tracks is set in the DVD player Satellite Radio Operations This function is available when a Satellite Radio tuner and Translator adapter are connected This unit can control the following sate...

Страница 39: ...g your Radio ID Sirius 1 Touch the Options key to display the Options screen Your Sirius ID 12 digit number will be displayed 2 To return to the previous screen touch the Back key XM 1 Touch the Direct key to display the Key Pad screen 2 Touch the 0 key then touch the ENT key Receiving the Channel 0 will display your Radio ID 8 digit number Tuning in a station Only channels that can be received ar...

Страница 40: ...l tune in to the lowest available channel of the specified category Touch the or key to scroll the category list 3 Touch the C Seek or C Seek key to select a station The system will tune to the previous or next available channel that meets the specified category 4 To return to the previous screen touch the Back key Note Touching the Back key within 1 second after selecting the category cancels the...

Страница 41: ...onnect the iPod after charging the battery if it has run down Selecting the iPod mode 1 Connect your iPod to the USB connector The system will automatically detect the connected device and change to the USB mode iPod mode and start playback after a while See also Connecting Disconnecting an USB Media Device page 18 When an iPod is already connected 1 Press the SRC button to display the Source scre...

Страница 42: ... screen Other various play functions 1 Touch the Options key 2 Touch a touch key of the function you want to play 1 track repeat Touch the One key of the Repeat item This operation plays back the current or selected track repeatedly All repeat Touch the All key of the Repeat item This operation plays back all the tracks currently selected repeatedly Song shuffle Touch the Song key of the Shuffle i...

Страница 43: ...e Albums to be listed by specifying the Composer name Selecting tracks to be played from a list screen 1 Touch the desired Category key from the iPod mode screen to display the corresponding list screen 2 Touch the desired item key on the screen to specify it Touch the or key to scroll the list You can also use the ABC Search function to scroll the list see below When a track list of an Album Play...

Страница 44: ...USB will be output Normally select this setting Analog The analog audio data via the AUX will be output Select this setting if your iPod cannot output digital signals 3 Touch the Back key to return to the previous screen Note Make sure to reconnect the iPod after changing this setting The key Digital or Analog indicator and output setting will be changed after reconnecting your iPod USB Memory Ope...

Страница 45: ...y detect the connected device and change to the USB mode USB Memory mode and start playback after a while See also Connecting Disconnecting an USB Media Device page 18 When an USB memory is already connected 1 Press the SRC button to display the Source screen 2 Touch the USB key to select the USB Memory mode The system changes to the USB mode USB Memory mode and starts playback from the previous p...

Страница 46: ...the Tel or TEL key on the Source screen to enter the Tel mode When in the Navi mode Touch the key on the Navigation Menu to enter the Tel mode Touch the TEL key on the Source screen to enter the Tel mode Note For the details refer to the supplied Bluetooth telephone operation manual AUX Operations This function is available when a VTR etc is connected to the AUX terminal Note For your safety this ...

Страница 47: ...t to the screen and that the aspect ratio of the image becomes 4 3 The aspect ratio of the image may be changed Wide The image is expanded so that the left and right edges of the image fit to the screen The top and bottom areas of the image may be cut off 3 Touch the Hide key to return to the video screen Audio Settings Displaying the Audio screen You can customize the various audio settings of th...

Страница 48: ... adjust the effect level by touching the or key Setting range 3 to 3 The factory default setting is 0 3 1 Touch the Beat EQ key to display the Beat EQ tab screen 3 2 Touch the Custom key 3 3 Perform the following settings to adjust the sound tone 3 4 Touch the Bass key 3 5 Touch the or key of the desired item to adjust the effect level Gain 7 to 7 The factory default setting is 0 Frequency 50Hz 10...

Страница 49: ... item to adjust the fader level Emphasizes the sound from the front speakers Emphasizes the sound from the rear speakers Adjustment range front 12 to rear 12 The factory default setting is 0 3 1 Touch the Others key to display the Others tab screen 3 2 Touch the or key of the Sub Woofer Ctrl item to adjust the output level Setting range 6 to 6 3 1 Touch the Others key to display the Others tab scr...

Страница 50: ... of safety around your vehicle The factory default setting is On Note This setting is disabled when the Camera Interrupt feature is set to Off Setting the AUX input NTSC PAL The factory default setting is NTSC Note This setting is applied only to the AUX video input If nonstandard video signals are input the video image may be disturbed When you set to Auto the video image may be disturbed tempora...

Страница 51: ...on Resetting the navigation system You can reset the navigation system 3 1 Touch the System key to display the System tab screen 3 2 Touch the On or Off key of the Beep item to turn the Beep function on or off 3 1 Touch the System key to display the System tab screen 3 2 Touch the On or Off key of the Blink LED item to turn the Blink LED function on or off 3 1 Touch the System key to display the S...

Страница 52: ... time is changed according to the number of times of wrong code entry as follows 1 to 6 times 15 seconds 7 times or more 15 minutes 3 1 Touch the System key to display the System tab screen 3 2 Touch the key to display the next screen 3 3 Touch and hold the blank area just below the key of the System Check item for more than 2 seconds The Personal Code screen appears When a Personal Code is alread...

Страница 53: works upon the Color mode of the navigation system Adjusting the Dimmer Bright Color Contrast and Hue level Note The Bright Color Contrast and Hue settings can be adjusted only when a video image is displayed on the screen and the car is stopped with applying the parking brake The Hue setting can be adjusted only when the NTSC mode is selected The navigation screen has own dimmer setting separa...

Страница 54: ...fall on the light receptive part of the remote control unit When direct rays of the sun fall on the light receptive part of the remote control unit it may not work The battery of the remote control unit is dead or there is no battery in the remote control unit Check the battery of the remote control unit The display is dark The Dimmer control is too low Adjust the Dimmer properly The operating con...

Страница 55: ...ts may form on the internal lens when the car is parked in a humid place Let dry for about 1 hour with the power on The image is not displayed The parking brake is not engaged Check that the parking brake is engaged Disc cannot be played with the display Parental Violation shown The view is limited Release the view limitation or change the parental level See the subsection Setting up the parental ...

Страница 56: ...MP3 WMA AAC files encoded properly The iPod s video image is disturbed The TV Signal setting of the iPod is not set correctly Set the TV Signal setting NTSC PAL of the iPod correctly 9 ERROR DISPLAYS Display Cause Measure Error 2 A disc is caught inside the DVD player and is not ejected This is a failure of DVD player s mechanism Consult your store of purchase Error 3 A disc cannot be played due t...

Страница 57: ...eared disconnect the iPod and reconnect it again The iPod is frozen Disconnect the iPod reset it and reconnect it again Error 5 iPod The connected iPod is not recognized Disconnect the iPod and reconnect it again If the iPod is still not recognized try replacing with a different iPod If the iPod is frozen disconnect it reset it and reconnect it again Bus Error Over current or data error is detecte...

Страница 58: ...fier Maximum power output 200 W 50 W 4 Speaker impedance 4 Ω 4 to 8 Ω allowable Input Audio input sensitivity High 0 65 V at 2 V output Mid 1 3 V at 2 V output Low 2 0 V at 2 V output input impedance 10 kΩ or greater Video input 1 0 0 2 Vp p input impedance 75 Ω Video Output Video output 1 0 0 2 Vp p output impedance 75 Ω LCD Monitor Screen Size 7 inch wide type 6 Width 152 mm 3 5 16 Height 85 mm ...

Страница 59: a place where the elements of the antenna do not protrude beyond the edge of the front back left and right of the vehicle If it comes in contact with pedestrians it may cause an accident INSTALLATION AND WIRE CONNECTION MANUAL WARNING This symbol is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating instructions Failure to heed the instructions may result in severe injury or deat...

Страница 60: ...wise an electric shock injury or accident may occur 2 PACKAGE CONTENTS 1 Main unit 2 Quick Start Guide 3 Installation Manual 4 CD ROM Owner s manual Installation Manual User Manual Clarion Mobile Map User Manual Bluetooth Connectivity 5 Power supply cord 6 RCA pin cord 7 Bag for accessories Flat head screw M5 8 mm 8 Hexagonal bolt M5 8 mm 8 Rubber cap for RCA pin cord 14 Lead holder 3 Double sided...

Страница 61: ... of the gearshift lever or obstruct your view before selecting the installation location Figure 2 Install the unit within 30 of the horizontal plane Figure 3 If you have to do any modification on the car body such as drilling holes consult your car dealer beforehand Use the included screws for installation Using other screws can cause damage Figure 4 This unit has a fan motor in the left side of t...

Страница 62: ...e instructions in Figure 7 Wire as shown in Section 10 see page 65 Reassemble and secure the unit in the dashboard and set the face panel and center panel Installing the Main Unit in a NISSAN Vehicle Note 1 Position the face panel with its wide edge at the bottom Fit the edge into the groove of the main unit Mounting Screw Holes Side View of the Main Unit For NISSAN vehicle For TOYOTA vehicle Figu...

Страница 63: ...des of the panel frame by about 0 5 to 1 5 mm so the unit can be inserted smoothly 3 If a hook on the installation bracket interferes with the unit bend and flatten it with a nipper or similar tool Vehicles other than NISSAN and TOYOTA In some cases the center panel may require modification Trimming filing etc Figure 7 Mounting bracket 1 pair for the left and right sides 8 Hexagonal screw M5 8 Cen...

Страница 64: correct If a fuse is blown replace it with a new one of the same specification as the original To replace the fuse remove the old fuse of the power supply cord and insert the new one Figure 8 Note There are various types of fuse holder Do not let the battery side touch other metal parts CAUTION caution After the connection fix the cord by a clamp or insulation tape for protection Connect the Ce...

Страница 65: ... antenna at least 10 cm away from the windshield Wipe off the dirt of the mounting surface before installing the GPS antenna Stick the double sided tape to the bottom face of the GPS antenna Mount the GPS antenna Stick it surely on a flat plane of the passenger side dashboard where GPS signal interruption is minimized Wire the GPS antenna cord Fasten the cord using the cord holders Shows an exampl...

Страница 66: ...c This may cause a malfunction In addition if leave it in the places subjected to direct sun high temperature can cause distortion discoloration which may result in a malfunction External microphone has to be connected at the back of the main unit during installation if necessary Microphone Visor Clip Type A Visor Clip Type B MIC Holder Attach the microphone with the MIC holder or visor clip ...

Страница 67: ...y Green Black Red White Red White Red White Yellow Yellow White Red Yellow Right Left Right Left Right Left Right Left Rear audio output terminal Subwoofer output terminal MONO 2ch Video output terminal 2 Zone audio output terminal AUX audio input terminal Rear Vision Camera terminal 4 Channel Amplifier Rear Monitor Wireless Headphone VTR etc USB terminal Red White Black GPS antenna jack Black Bla...

Страница 68: ...r right 12V accessory Front right Front right Front left Front left Rear left Rear left Amplifier turn on cord Illumination Auto antenna Parking brake cord Reverse gear cord Purple Purple Black Red Gray Gray Black White White Black Green Green Black Blue White Orange White Blue Grass green Purple white Brown No connection Yellow CeNET bus backup ...

Страница 69: ...e Rear Vision Camera Note Be sure to connect the reverse gear cord to the vehicle s relevant terminal Connect the Rear Vision Camera to the RCA pin cord if not the screen turns black while the gearshift lever is in the reverse gear position The power supply box CAA185 sold separately is required for connection of the main unit and the Rear Vision Camera Sirius Tuner and XM Mini Tuner Connect these...

Страница 70: ...2010 1 280 8883 00 QY 5014B Clarion Co Ltd All Rights Reserved Copyright 2010 Clarion Co Ltd ...

Страница 71: ...User Manual Bluetooth Connectivity NX700 ...

Страница 72: ...rofiles as below z Hands free Profile HFP NOTE z Not all Bluetooth devices support all profiles Check the document of a Bluetooth device to know its Bluetooth capabilities z When necessary you can turn off the Bluetooth radio on this system See Section Turning On Off Bluetooth Radio for more information Connecting a Bluetooth Mobile Phone Connecting to a Mobile Phone for the First Time 1 Tap the T...

Страница 73: ...ows the search result Tap the mobile phone you want to connect 5 Tap Pair to connect this system with the mobile phone 6 When prompted enter the passkey 1234 on your mobile phone to establish a connection Depending on the mobile phone model you may need to select the hands free service to complete the connection 7 Tap OK The Phone Menu screen appears 2 ...

Страница 74: ...on the mobile phone and tap Pair on the system to establish a connection Disconnecting and Reconnecting the Mobile Phone When you pair your mobile phone with this system a connection is established between them The name of the connected device appears at the bottom of the Setup menu You can then disconnect or reconnect your mobile phone by tapping Disconnect or Connect on the Setup menu 3 ...

Страница 75: ...l Log and Phone Dialer button on the Phone Menu Phone Dialer 1 Tap Phone Dialer on the Phone Menu 2 Enter the telephone number NOTE z International calls require a country code to be included in the phone number On this system the country code is separated from the rest of the number sequence by a plus sign If you are making an international call tap on the Dial Pad z To delete the last digit ente...

Страница 76: the contacts saved in the SIM card NOTE Not all mobile phone models support the downloading of the data saved in the phone s memory or the SIM Card Select a contact to place a call NOTE You can clear the downloaded contact list by tapping Doing so does not delete the data on the mobile phone 4 When a contact has more than one phone number tapping the contact opens the details screen Various num...

Страница 77: ...1 Tap Call Log on the Phone Menu 2 The call history appears on the screen with meaning incoming calls and missed calls and meaning outgoing calls 3 To call a number in your call history tap the number 4 The details of the call display on the screen such as name number date and time Depending on your mobile phone model not all information will be displayed 5 Tap 6 ...

Страница 78: ...h as an extension number tap Phone Dialer on the Phone Menu to open the keypad and tap the digits Redialing a Recently Dialed Number To make a call using a recently dialed number 1 Do one of the following z When in Phonebook tap z When in Call Log tap 2 Tap 7 ...

Страница 79: ...he message tap and then tap Phonebook or SMS You cannot refresh the data z If you need to input other numbers such as an extension number use the dial pad and tap the digits z Tap to mute your sound so that the other party cannot hear you To end the mute mode tap the same button again z Tap to end the call Viewing Messages After pairing with a mobile phone you can browse sent and received messages...

Страница 80: ...message Depending on your mobile phone model not all information will be displayed Æ NOTE You can clear the downloaded messages by tapping Doing so does not delete the data on the mobile phone Using the Shortcuts Once a Bluetooth connection has been established a shortcut will be saved You can then use the shortcut to reconnect a particular device without searching and entering the passkey again 1...

Страница 81: ... the system z You can delete a selected shortcut by tapping Turning On Off Bluetooth Radio Whenever you start the Bluetooth the Bluetooth radio is turned on To turn off Bluetooth radio tap the Setup button on the Phone Menu and tap Bluetooth Off To turn on Bluetooth radio tap Bluetooth On button Æ 10 ...

Страница 82: ...p the Setup button on the Phone Menu and tap MIC Gain Æ Tap to increase the microphone volume tap to decrease the microphone volume Info To view the application version address and name of the Bluetooth of the system tap the Setup button on the Phone Menu and tap Info Æ 11 ...

Страница 83: ... 2009 Trademarks The Bluetooth word mark and logo are owned by the Bluetooth SIG Inc All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies Note The information in this manual is subject to change without notice 12 ...

Страница 84: ...User Manual Clarion Mobile Map NX700 ...

Страница 85: ...hout prior notification This manual may not in whole or in part be reproduced or transmitted in any form either electronically or mechanically including photocopying and recording without the express written consent of Clarion 2009 Clarion Data Source 2006 Tele Atlas N V All rights reserved ...

Страница 86: navigator This document is the detailed description of the software You can easily discover Clarion Mobile Map while you are using it however we still recommend that you read this manual to understand the screens and the features of Clarion Mobile Map ...

Страница 87: ...eturning to normal navigation 22 2 4 2 3 Selected location Cursor 23 2 4 2 4 Original position in the Cursor menu 23 2 4 3 Daytime and night color profiles 24 2 4 4 Color scheme in tunnels 24 2 4 5 Route calculation and recalculation 24 2 4 6 Itinerary 25 2 4 7 Track Logs 26 2 4 8 Route demonstration 26 2 4 9 POI Points of Interest 27 2 4 10 Road Safety Cameras 27 2 4 10 1 Camera types 28 2 4 10 2...

Страница 88: ...n the map Fit to Screen 45 3 6 Watching the simulation of the route 45 3 7 Enabling Safety Mode 46 3 8 Pausing the active route 46 3 9 Deleting the next via point from the route 46 3 10 Deleting the active route 47 3 11 Using Track Logs 47 3 12 Saving the active route 49 3 13 Loading a saved route 49 4 Reference Guide Advanced mode 50 4 1 Map screen 51 4 1 1 Icons on the map 54 4 1 1 1 GPS positio...

Страница 89: ... Manage POIs 73 4 4 6 Manage Saved Search Criteria 74 4 4 7 User Data Management 75 4 5 Settings menu 76 4 5 1 Map Screen settings 77 4 5 2 Sound settings 78 4 5 3 Route Planning options 79 4 5 4 Regional settings 81 4 5 5 Navigation settings 82 4 5 6 Warning settings 83 4 5 7 Menu settings 84 4 5 8 Device settings 84 4 5 9 Track Log settings 85 5 Glossary 86 6 End User License Agreement 88 ...

Страница 90: ...e Clarion Mobile Map has a Safety Mode if you turn on Safety Mode you cannot change anything in Clarion Mobile Map while the vehicle is moving at a speed of 10 km h 6 mph or higher Unless only passengers operate Clarion Mobile Map we strongly encourage you to turn on Safety Mode You must obey the traffic signs and follow the road geometry If you deviate from the route that Clarion Mobile Map recom...

Страница 91: the following buttons to reach extra functions x Tap and hold on the Map screen you can set the minimum and maximum zoom level of Smart Zoom x Tap and hold any of the buttons on the Map screen you can set or reset the zoom value of the button 2D map x Tap and hold any of the buttons on the Map screen you can set or reset the tilt and zoom values of the button 3D map x Tap and hold on list and ...

Страница 92: ...u can start using Clarion Mobile Map The Navigation menu in Simple mode The Navigation menu in Advanced mode The typical way of using Clarion Mobile Map is to select a destination and start navigating You can select your destination in the following ways not all of them are available in Simple mode x Use the selected location on the map the Cursor page 31 x Enter a full address or a part of an add...

Страница 93: ...tion Available in Simple mode Available in Advanced mode Explanation Navigating to a selected map point Yes Yes See page 31 Navigating to a street address Yes Yes See page 32 Navigating to an incomplete address Yes Yes See page 32 Navigating to an intersection Yes Yes See page 36 Navigating to recent destinations History Yes Yes See page 42 Navigating to Favorites Yes Yes See page 40 Navigating to...

Страница 94: ...therwise Clarion Mobile Map saves your selections and applies the new settings without confirmation as soon as you use the controls Type Example Description How to use it Button Tap it to initiate a function to open a new screen or to set a parameter Tap it once Icon Shows status information Some icons also function as a button Tap them once List When you need to select from several options they a...

Страница 95: ...tching to another keyboard layout for example from an English QWERTY keyboard to a Greek keyboard Tap and select from the list of available keyboard types Clarion Mobile Map remembers your last keyboard choice and offers it the next time you need to enter data Correcting your entry on the keyboard Tap to remove the unneeded character s Tap and hold the button to delete the entire input string Ente...

Страница 96: ...ils tap to open the Position menu 3 Tap The address the coordinate and the list of nearby POIs will be displayed x You can check the details of any other location by selecting it on the map 1 Tap the map anywhere to open the map control buttons 2 Tap the desired location on the map The Cursor appears there The address of the location is displayed at the bottom of the map 3 For further details tap ...

Страница 97: ...urn to the GPS position Opening closing map control buttons Tap this button to show or hide the following map control buttons x Zoom in out x Rotate left right 3D map only x Tilt up down 3D map only x Zoom preset buttons 2D map only x Tilt and zoom preset buttons 3D map only x Return to GPS position button x Smart Zoom button Zooming in and out Changes how much of the map is displayed on the scree...

Страница 98: need to tap it to switch to 2D mode Smart Zoom Clarion Mobile Map can automatically rotate scale and tilt the map and give you the optimal view x When you are approaching a turn Clarion Mobile Map zooms in and raises the view angle to let you easily recognize your maneuver at the next junction x If the next turn is at a distance Clarion Mobile Map zooms out and lowers the view angle to show yo...

Страница 99: ... The distance is updated to always describe the current situation 2 3 3 Lane information and Signposts When navigating on multilane roads it is important to take the appropriate lane in order to follow the recommended route If lane information is available in the map data Clarion Mobile Map displays the lanes and their directions using small arrows either at the bottom or at the top of the map the...

Страница 100: ...lid GPS position the view of the sky above you is shown with colored dots for each satellite Some dots need to turn green to be able to navigate Tap this area to open the Route Information screen If the icon is a static picture route calculation is needed GPS position and an active route are available but automatic off route recalculation is switched off and you deviated from the route Tap this ar...

Страница 101: ... event that follows the next route event shown in the above described area Tap this area to open the Itinerary screen with the turn by turn guidance instructions Approaching a Road Safety Camera This icon appears when you are approaching a Road Safety Camera and the warning for cameras is enabled in Settings Tap this area to suppress the audible camera warning Tap again to display the second route...

Страница 102: ...e following information can be seen in the three data fields shown on the map screen Tap this area to open the Trip Information screen where you can select which values to be shown in these three fields When there is no active route these fields show the following information current speed compass and the current time of day Icon Type More information Compass Shows the direction of your heading bo...

Страница 103: ...icle type used for route calculation 2 3 5 Using the Cursor the selected map location First place the Cursor at the desired map location with one of the following options x Use the Find menu to select a location The map returns with the selected point the Cursor in the middle and the Cursor menu appears with the available options x Tap the screen to place the Cursor at the desired location Now tap...

Страница 104: Saves the Cursor as a POI available in Advanced mode only Saves the Cursor as a Road Safety Camera location available in Advanced mode only This button is not displayed when GPS position is not available or if you are in certain countries where Road Safety Camera warning is prohibited Even if the button is available you are responsible for checking whether it is legal to use this feature at you...

Страница 105: suppress GPS position errors and the direction of the icon is aligned to the direction of the road To use the current GPS position tap The Position menu appears and you can save the GPS position as one of the following x a Favorite x a Road Safety Camera x a POI x a map marker Pin 2 4 2 2 Returning to normal navigation When GPS position is available and you have moved the map the icon is moving...

Страница 106: ... x a via point in a route x the destination of a route You can also search for POIs around the Cursor Or you can save the location of the Cursor as x a Favorite x a Road Safety Camera x a POI x a map marker Pin 2 4 2 4 Original position in the Cursor menu When the Cursor menu is open a special icon shows the Cursor position the menu was opened with You can move and zoom the map and you can set the...

Страница 107: ...g 2 4 4 Color scheme in tunnels When entering a tunnel the colors of the map change All buildings disappear large objects such as surface waters or forests and empty areas between roads become black However roads and streets keep their original colors from the daytime or night color scheme currently used After leaving the tunnel the original colors return 2 4 5 Route calculation and recalculation ...

Страница 108: ...ea between the Turn preview and the Travel data fields where the symbol of the second next maneuver is displayed for example x In Advanced mode tap the following buttons You have the following options on the Itinerary screen Button Description Any of the list items Opens the map with the selected maneuver in the middle Changes the detail level of the Itinerary The levels are as follows x Detailed ...

Страница 109: ...1 Independently of the normal track log you can instruct Clarion Mobile Map to record the native GPS data received from the GPS device These logs are saved as separate text files on the memory card and they cannot be shown or replayed in Clarion Mobile Map To turn on NMEA SIRF log saving tap the following buttons 2 4 8 Route demonstration A simulation drives you through the route following the dri...

Страница 110: ...POIs To save a POI place the Cursor at the desired location then tap the following buttons Managing POIs You can select which POI groups to show and which ones to hide on the map and from which zoom levels POI icons are visible At the same place you can manage your saved POIs A saved POI can be renamed moved to a different POI group its icon can be changed or a phone number and additional informat...

Страница 111: ...mera or your speed is under the specified speed limit single beeps warn you about the camera x If you exceed the speed limit of the camera the following also happens x Visible Warning A symbol with the speed limit appears in the corner of the map for example x Audible Warning A special alert sound is played 2 4 10 1 Camera types There are different types of Road Safety Cameras Icon Type Descriptio...

Страница 112: ...n Mobile Map cannot register the moment you pass the second speed camera for example it is placed at the exit of a tunnel where GPS position is not yet available the warning continues Just tap the speed camera symbol displayed on the screen to stop the warning Tap again to display the second route event with the possibility to open the Itinerary Red light These cameras check if you obey traffic li...

Страница 113: ...tion may not be available for your region ask your local dealer or may not be fully correct for all roads on the map You can configure Clarion Mobile Map to warn you if you exceed the current limit Tap the following buttons When you exceed the speed limit a voice message is played using the selected voice guidance profile ...

Страница 114: ...elected location on the map the Cursor page 31 x Enter a full address or a part of an address for example a street name without a house number or the names of two intersecting streets page 32 x Enter an address with ZIP code page 38 This way you do not need to select the name of the city and the search for street names might be faster as well x Use a coordinate page 42 x Use a saved location x a F...

Страница 115: ...ering x the exact address including house number x the center of a city x an intersection x the midpoint of a street x any of the above starting the search with the ZIP code page 38 3 1 2 1 Entering an address The parts of the address are shown on buttons Start reading from the top and if you want to change any of them tap the button The procedure is explained starting from the Navigation menu 1 T...

Страница 116: the street name on the keyboard 3 Get to the list of results x After entering a couple of characters the names that match the string appear in a list x Tap to open the list of results before it appears automatically 4 Select the street from the list 5 Enter the house number 1 Tap 2 Enter the house number on the keyboard To enter letters tap and select an alphabetic keyboard layout To enter sym...

Страница 117: ...nt one from the list 3 If needed change the city x To select the city from the list of recently used ones tap the button x To enter a new city 1 Tap the button with the name of the city or if you have changed the country state tap 2 Start entering the city name on the keyboard 3 Get to the list of search results x After entering a couple of characters the names that match the string appear in a li...

Страница 118: ...uctions below The procedure is explained starting from the Navigation menu 1 Tap the following buttons Simple mode or Advanced mode 2 By default Clarion Mobile Map proposes the country state and city where you are If needed tap the button with the name of the country state and select a different one from the list 3 If needed change the city x To select the city from the list of recently used ones ...

Страница 119: ... the middle Tap Simple mode or Advanced mode from the Cursor menu The route is then automatically calculated and you can start navigating 3 1 2 4 Selecting an intersection as the destination The procedure is explained starting from the Navigation menu 1 Tap the following buttons Simple mode or Advanced mode 2 By default Clarion Mobile Map proposes the country state and city where you are If needed...

Страница 120: ... one screen their list appears automatically 6 Tap the desired intersecting street in the list 7 The map appears with the selected point in the middle Tap Simple mode or Advanced mode from the Cursor menu The route is then automatically calculated and you can start navigating 3 1 2 5 Selecting a city center as the destination The City Center is not the geometric center of the city but an arbitrary...

Страница 121: ... above address searching possibilities can be performed with entering the ZIP code instead of the city name Find below an example with a full address The procedure is explained starting from the Navigation menu 1 Tap the following buttons Simple mode or Advanced mode 2 By default Clarion Mobile Map proposes the country state and city where you are If needed tap the button with the name of the coun...

Страница 122: ...cters that appear in possible search results The other characters are grayed out x When entering the city name or the street name tap the button after a couple of letters Clarion Mobile Map lists the items that contain the specified letters x You can speed up finding an intersection x Search first for the street with a less common or less usual name fewer letters are enough to find it x If one of ...

Страница 123: ...arting from the Navigation menu 1 Tap the following buttons Simple mode or Advanced mode 2 Select the area around which the POI should be searched for x The POI will be searched for around a given address x The map appears with the Cursor in the middle Modify the location of the Cursor if necessary then tap The POI will be searched for around the given location x The POI will be searched for aroun...

Страница 124: ...vailable when you search along the active route 5 Tap the desired POI in the list 6 Review the details of the selected item and tap 7 The map appears with the selected point in the middle Tap Simple mode or Advanced mode from the Cursor menu The route is then automatically calculated and you can start navigating 3 1 5 Selecting the destination with saved POI search criteria POI search criteria can...

Страница 125: ...earlier destinations 3 Tap the desired item 4 The map appears with the selected point in the middle Tap Simple mode or Advanced mode from the Cursor menu The route is then automatically calculated and you can start navigating 3 1 7 Selecting the destination by entering its coordinates This feature is available in Advanced mode only The procedure is explained starting from the Navigation menu 1 Tap...

Страница 126: ...e position of the intermediate route point When you enter the screen the new via point is placed as the first via point to be reached The new point is the highlighted point in the list You have the following options Button Action The selected point moves up in the list becomes a via point to be reached earlier Tap this button repeatedly and the point becomes the start point of the route when routi...

Страница 127: the route This feature is available in Advanced mode only Tap the following buttons The list of route points appear with the start point at the top of the list and the final destination at the bottom If several via points exist you might need to scroll between pages Tap one of the route points in the list You have the following options Button Action The selected point moves up in the list beco...

Страница 128: ...ormation screen tap x Via the Route Information screen using a shortcut tap In Simple mode the last option is available only 3 6 Watching the simulation of the route This feature is available in Advanced mode only The procedure is explained starting from the Map screen 1 Tap the following buttons 2 The Route menu appears There are two ways of running the route simulation x Tap to run the simulatio...

Страница 129: ... screen The procedure is explained starting from the Map screen Tap the following buttons 3 8 Pausing the active route You do not need to pause the active route when you start driving again Clarion Mobile Map restarts the voice instructions from your position 3 9 Deleting the next via point from the route The easiest way to delete the upcoming route point the next via point is to open the Route In...

Страница 130: ... active route you cannot delete the route immediately on the Route Information screen Tap repeatedly until all via points disappear and the button appears Tap it to cancel the whole route 3 11 Using Track Logs Clarion Mobile Map can record the track how your GPS position changed that you drive Tip You do not need to select a destination and create a route for this you can also record your driving ...

Страница 131: ...tamp As an alternative you can tap the button in the Quick menu to start and later to stop the Track Log recording Simulating a Track Log on the map 1 Tap the following buttons 2 Locate the desired Track Log and then tap the button next to it 3 The map returns and the Track Log simulation a life like replay begins 4 You can stop the replay any time by tapping the button Changing the color of a Tra...

Страница 132: ...obile Map deletes any via points that you already left behind together with the road segments used to reach it 3 13 Loading a saved route This feature is available in Advanced mode only The procedure is explained starting from the Map screen 1 Tap the following buttons 2 Tap the route you wish to navigate 3 In the very likely case when the start position of the saved route is different from the cu...

Страница 133: ...ion Mobile Map for any other reason for example to look for the phone number of a POI Route Managing the active route obtaining information about it changing or deleting it or parts of it or planning a route without GPS reception Manage Managing user data such as saved locations POIs Favorites Pins and History items Saved Routes and Track Logs Settings Managing the behavior of Clarion Mobile Map f...

Страница 134: ...itional buttons and controls appear for a few seconds right screenshot Most parts of the screen behave as buttons Symbol Name Action Turn Preview that is the next route event Opens the Route Information screen Second upcoming route event Opens the Itinerary Trip data Opens the Trip Information screen GPS position quality Opens the Quick menu Vehicle used in route calculation Opens the Quick menu T...

Страница 135: ... no GPS position or the Cursor is not at the current GPS position Opens the Cursor menu Open Close Map control buttons Tap this button to show or hide the following map control buttons x Zoom in out x Rotate left right 3D map only x Tilt up down 3D map only x Zoom preset buttons 2D map only x Tilt and zoom preset buttons 3D map only x Return to GPS position button x Smart Zoom button Rotate left r...

Страница 136: ...t the zoom level to a fix predefined value Smart Zoom is disabled These buttons are available in 2D mode Tap hold any of the buttons to set its value to the current zoom level or to reset it to its original value Tilt preset buttons available in Advanced mode only Tap one of the preset buttons to set the tilt and zoom levels to fix predefined values Smart Zoom is disabled These buttons are availab...

Страница 137: ...area is a multiple status indicator and also acts as a button that opens the Quick menu GPS reception quality shows the current accuracy of the position information Icon Description Clarion Mobile Map has no connection to the GPS receiver GPS navigation is not possible Devices with a built in GPS receiver are permanently connected On such devices the icon does not appear in normal circumstances Cl...

Страница 138: ...bled Clarion Mobile Map records a Track log when GPS position is available Track log recording is disabled The Bluetooth radio is switched off The Bluetooth radio is turned on but no telephone is connected There is an error in the Bluetooth connection Clarion Mobile Map is connected to a telephone as a handsfree set via Bluetooth A phone call is in progress over the Bluetooth connection 4 1 1 3 Ph...

Страница 139: ...gns The following table lists some of the frequently shown route events The same symbols are used in both fields Icon Description Turn left Turn right Turn back Bear right Turn sharp left Keep left Continue straight in the intersection Enter traffic circle The number of the exit is shown in the circle but only for the next turn Enter freeway Exit freeway Board ferry Leave ferry Approaching the nex...

Страница 140: ... Elevated roads Complex intersections and vertically isolated roads such as overpasses or bridges are displayed in 3D 3D buildings Full 3D city building data that represents actual building size and position on the map Building data is limited to the city centers of major cities in the US and Europe 3D terrain 3D terrain map data shows changes in terrain elevations or depressions in the land when ...

Страница 141: ...tination end point The last point of the route the final destination Route color The route always stands out with its color on the map both in daytime and in night color mode The active leg of the route is always displayed in a brighter shade than the inactive upcoming legs Active leg of the route The section of the route on which you are driving If you have not added any via points only a destina...

Страница 142: ...the map 4 1 4 Cursor menu As soon as you select one point in the Find menu the map appears with the Cursor menu a menu with possible actions for the selected point Alternatively when you tap the map control buttons appear Tap again to place the Cursor a radiating red dot Now tap and the Cursor menu opens with a list of options You can perform the following actions in Simple mode Button Description...

Страница 143: ... replaces the previous one and deletes the selected via point from the route The route is recalculated without the deleted point Map locations can be marked with Pins Unlike POIs a Pin has no name and other details only a color to let you tell one from another on the map If the Cursor is at or near a Pin this button replaces the previous one and deletes the Pin the Cursor is near to Opens the full...

Страница 144: ...PS position is not available or if you are in certain countries where Road Safety Camera warning is prohibited Even if the button is available you are responsible for checking whether it is legal to use this feature at your location If the Cursor is at or near a Road Safety Camera this button replaces the previous one and opens a new screen where you can edit the details of the camera 4 1 5 Positi...

Страница 145: ...he rightmost one is the final destination and you can see your via point flags along the line spaced in proportion to their distance Tap this field to change the content of all data fields to via point information Estimated Arrival Shows the estimated arrival time at the final destination of the route based on information available for the remaining segments of the route The calculation cannot tak...

Страница 146: ...ens the map screen designed for route planning Appears only if at least one via point exists Deletes the next via point from the route Appears only if there are no via points in the route Deletes the active route 4 1 7 Trip Information screen The Trip Information screen has both route and travel data you might need during your journey It can be opened directly from the Map screen by tapping the Tr...

Страница 147: ...take into account traffic jams and other possible delays Tap this field to show it on the map screen in one of the Trip Data fields Arrival Time Shows the estimated arrival time at the final destination of the route based on information available for the remaining segments of the route The calculation cannot take into account traffic jams and other possible delays Tap this field to show it on the ...

Страница 148: ... appears on the map screen in the Trip Data area This is the value at the bottom 4 1 7 1 Trip Computer screen The Trip Computer screen provides collected trip data It can be opened from the Trip Information screen by tapping The fields on this screen are continuously updated while you keep the screen open You can switch between the trips pause then resume them or reset their data You have the foll...

Страница 149: ...ime and night color schemes manually This will not disable the automatic switching between the two schemes the other color scheme returns later Opens Color Profiles settings 3D buildings can be displayed on the map Use this switch to suppress them temporarily Please note that 3D landmarks are displayed regardless of this button wherever they are available Opens 3D Settings Tap this button and sele...

Страница 150: ...rizontal position is calculated Clarion Mobile Map cannot calculate your vertical GPS position Gray Clarion Mobile Map has a connection to the GPS receiver but GPS position information is not available Red Clarion Mobile Map has no connection to the GPS receiver Since the device has a built in GPS receiver this status should not appear under normal circumstances Green blinking GPS connection quali...

Страница 151: ...lculated position 4 2 Find menu Select the destination of your route Tap the following buttons Button Description Reference If you know at least a part of the address this is the quickest way to find the location page 32 You can select your destination from the thousands of POIs included with Clarion Mobile Map or from the ones you have previously created page 40 The destinations that you have alr...

Страница 152: ...rder page 44 Erase the active route with all its route points start point via points and destination If you later decide that you need the same route you will have to rebuild it from scratch page 47 You can save the active route for later use page 49 You can load a previously saved route for navigation page 49 Opens the Route settings screen with controls to modify the vehicle the road types used ...

Страница 153: ...2 Creating updating or deleting POIs Creating updating or deleting POI groups Modifying POI visibility settings page 73 Creating renaming or deleting Saved Search Criteria page 74 You can manage the data you have saved e g POIs Favorites or History and the settings you have made in the program page 75 4 4 1 Manage Saved Routes You can manage the previously saved routes Tap the following buttons Bu...

Страница 154: ...ecord Track Logs then play them back display them on the map and view their details Tap the following buttons Button Description Starts recording the track that you drive You can also start recording a track log in the Quick menu Stops the ongoing Track Log recording You can also stop track log recording in the Quick menu Button with the name of the track log Shows the details of the selected Trac...

Страница 155: ...ll be shown on the map with this color The map returns with the Track Log The map is scaled to show the whole Track Log Deletes the selected Track Log Saves the Track Log on the inserted memory card in GPX format 4 4 4 Manage Favorites You can manage the list of your Favorites Tap the following buttons Button Description Button with the name of the Favorite Opens the selected Favorite for editing ...

Страница 156: ...o filter the list to contain only the POIs that you saved Tap to see all POIs in the list Creates a new POI group at the given group level Moves between pages for additional list items This POI group is not shown on the map This POI group and all its subgroups are shown on the map This POI group and some of its subgroups are shown on the map This POI group contains POIs that you saved When a POI g...

Страница 157: ...a new location on the map and tap to relocate the POI Tap this button to enter a telephone number for the POI Tap this button to enter additional information for the POI Tap this button to delete the selected POI Tap this button to move the POI to another POI group or subgroup 4 4 6 Manage Saved Search Criteria You can manage the list of search criteria previously saved to easily find frequently s...

Страница 158: ...n to remove all your Pins from the map All user data and the current settings will be saved on the inserted memory card There is always one backup file If you perform a backup later the previous backup will be overwritten with the new information All user data and settings will be overwritten with the information stored in the backup file Data and settings created after the latest backup will be l...

Страница 159: ...tings allow you to customize the application for your local language measurement units time and date settings and formats as well as to choose the voice guidance profile you prefer page 81 You can control how Clarion Mobile Map behaves during navigation page 82 You can enable some useful warnings and disable the touch screen in a moving vehicle with Safety Mode page 83 You can modify the look and ...

Страница 160: ... represents actual building size and position on the map Building data is limited to the city centers of major cities in the US and Europe x Terrain Detail Level 3D terrain map data shows changes in terrain elevations or depressions in the land when you view the map and use it to plot the route map in 3D when you navigate Color Profiles Clarion Mobile Map is able to show the map and the menus in d...

Страница 161: ...idance Volume The slider adjusts the loudness of voice prompts In its leftmost position the voice guidance is suppressed in its rightmost position the master volume applies Key Sounds Key sounds provide audible confirmation of either pressing hardware buttons or tapping the touch screen The switch turns key sounds on or off Key sounds are played at the master volume level Dynamic Volume When drivi...

Страница 162: ...e excluded from the route if possible Excluding a road type is a preference It does not necessarily mean total prohibition If your destination can only be accessed using some of the excluded road types they will be used but only as much as necessary In this case a warning icon will be shown on the Route Information screen and the part of the route not matching your preference will be displayed in ...

Страница 163: ...a planned route by default However a map does not necessarily contain information about the accessibility of temporary ferries You might also need to pay a fare on ferries Cross border planning In some cases the route calculated according to your other navigation and route preferences would lead through another country If you wish to always stay within the same country turn this option off Carpool...

Страница 164: ...upport all the listed units in some voice guidance languages If you select a measurement unit not supported by the chosen voice guidance language a warning message will appear Set Date Time Format You can set the date and time format Various international formats are available Time and Time Zone Settings You can access time and time zone settings Clarion Mobile Map helps you with correcting the de...

Страница 165: ...n manually otherwise navigation will be stopped until you return to the originally recommended route Setting another point than the current GPS position as the start point of the active route will automatically disable this feature Restore Lock to Position If you have moved or rotated the map during navigation this feature moves the map back to your current GPS position and re enables automatic ma...

Страница 166: ...u to receive a warning when approaching a Road Safety Camera You must ensure on your own liability that using this feature is legal in the country where you intend to use it You have the following options x Audible Warning beeps can be played while you are approaching the camera or just alert sounds if you exceed the speed limit while approaching one of these cameras x Visible Warning the type of ...

Страница 167: ...nd You can choose the image to be used as the menu background image 4 5 8 Device settings You can fine tune device related settings in this menu Tap the following buttons Button Description Screen Calibration You can fine tune the position of the screen content on the display Tap this button use the arrows to reposition the application window and then tap to save the changes and exit GPS Antenna T...

Страница 168: ... manually Clarion Mobile Map will automatically start recording the track log as soon as GPS position is available Track Log Database Size This figure shows how much memory is used by the automatically saved track logs Track Logs Max Size You can set the maximum database size for the automatically saved track logs When the limit is reached the oldest automatically saved track logs will be deleted ...

Страница 169: ...ger cities it is an important intersection GPS accuracy Several factors have impact on the deviation between your real position and the one given by the GPS device For example signal delay in the ionosphere or reflecting objects near the GPS device have a different and varying impact on how accurately the GPS device can calculate your position Map Clarion Mobile Map works with digital maps which a...

Страница 170: ...tings for the map and they can have different colors for streets blocks or surface waters in 2D and 3D modes and they display shades or shadows in different ways in 3D mode One daytime scheme and one night scheme is always selected Clarion Mobile Map uses them when it switches from day to night and back Track up map orientation In Track up mode the map is rotated so its top always points in the cu...

Страница 171: ...l be the navigation guidance software product of Licensor hereinafter referred to as the Software Product 4 2 The Software Product shall include the operating computer program its complete documentation the map database pertaining thereto and any third party content and services accessible through the Software Product hereinafter Database 4 3 Any form of display storage coding including printed el...

Страница 172: ...nts available through the Software Product and provided by third parties and the data received through the services provided by third parties including but not limited to the traffic data received from the RDS TMC traffic information service for his her own personal benefit and at his her own risk It is strictly prohibited to store to transfer or to distribute these data or contents or to disclose...

Страница 173: ...vices provided by third parties The Licensor hereby excludes any liability of its own for the Database in the Software Product and for any content or service provided by a third party by using the Database The Licensor does not warrant the quality suitability accuracy fitness for a specific purpose or territorial coverage of the product or service or the availability of the service and it specific...

Страница 174: ...ídeo o película de DVD están prohibidos por la ley Asimismo mientras conduzca mantenga el volumen a un nivel con el que también puedan oírse los sonidos externos Este equipo ha sido probado y cumple con los límites establecidos para un dispositivo digital de clase B de acuerdo con lo dispuesto en el apartado 15 de las reglas de la FCC Estos límites se han establecido para ofrecer protección ante i...

Страница 175: ... antenna horizontally on a flat plane Do not wax or paint the cover of the GPS antenna This may reduce the performance of the GPS antenna Install the GPS antenna at least 10 cm away from the windshield Wipe off the dirt of the mounting surface before installing the GPS antenna AVERTISSEMENT N installez pas l antenne GPS dans un endroit où elle risque de gêner le fonctionnement de l airbag ou d ent...

Страница 176: ...SRC pour afficher l écran Source Pulse el botón SRC para ver la pantalla Source 4OUCH THE DESIRED 3OURCE KEY YOU WISH TO CHANGE TO 4HE SYSTEM IS SWITCHED TO THE CORRESPONDING SOURCE media mode PPUYEZ SUR LE BOUTON 3OURCE QUE VOUS SOUHAITEZ ACTIVER Le système active le mode source multimédia correspondant 4OQUE LA TECLA DE LA FUENTE A LA QUE DESEE CAMBIAR El sistema se cambia al modo de soporte de ...

Страница 177: ...tiquement et vous pouvez commencer à naviguer Clarion Mobile Map ofrece varias formas de elegir un destino En esta sección se explica el método más sencillo a partir de los POI incluidos con Clarion Mobile Map El procedimiento arranca desde el Menú de navegación 1 Toque en la pantalla Menú de navegación 2 Toque s 0ARA OBTENER INFORMACIØN SOBRE LOS OTROS MÏTODOS CONSULTE el Manual de usuario 3 Toqu...
