Octal-Port DMT ATU-C Line Card
dmt rate-adaptation interval
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6)DA
dmt rate-adaptation interval
To change the intervals during which a DMT port is monitored for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) margins,
use the dmt rate adaptation interval command in DSL profile configuration mode. To disable
dmt rate adaptation interval, use the no form of this command.
dmt rate-adaptation interval {downshift [downstream number-of eoc-updates
upstream seconds]}
Syntax Description
Following are the default settings for the dmt rate adaptation interval:
Remember, a downstream value of 10 can yield a monitoring interval between 1 minute to
2.5 minutes in length.
Command Modes
DSL profile configuration
Command History
The downshift keyword indicates that a line with excessive SNR margins retrains
to a lower bit rate.
The downstream keyword tells IOS to monitor downstream ports for SNR margins
exceeding those specified in the dmt rate-adaptation margin command.
The number-of eoc-updates argument specifies the monitoring interval in multiples
of six seconds on a downstream DMT port.
The downstream margin (see
“dmt rate-adaptation margin” section on
page 24
) is obtained from the CPE via the embedded operations channel
(EOC). The downstream number-of eoc-updates parameter specifies a
number of consecutive EOC read events. Depending upon the type of CPE,
EOC messages are sent once every 6 to 15 seconds (not counting EOC
timeouts). Hence, a downstream downshift interval value of 10 on CPE
reporting margins every 6 seconds results in a 1 minute monitoring interval
(10x6 seconds). Specifying a downstream downshift interval value of 10 on
CPE that report margins every 15 seconds (10x15 seconds) yields a 2.5
minute monitoring interva1.
The upstream keyword tells IOS to monitor upstream ports for SNR margins
exceeding those specified in the dmt rate-adaptation margin command.
The seconds argument specifies the monitoring interval in seconds on an upstream
DMT port.
IOS 12.1(6)DA
This command was introduced.