Octal-Port DMT ATU-C Line Card
dmt bitrate
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6)DA
dmt bitrate
To set the maximum and minimum allowed bit rates for the fast or interleaved DMT profile parameters,
use the dmt bitrate profile configuration command. To reset this command to the default value, use the
no form of this command.
dmt bitrate maximum {fast | interleaved} downstream dmt-bitrate upstream dmt-bitrate
dmt bitrate minimum {fast | interleaved} downstream dmt-bitrate upstream dmt-bitrate
Syntax Description
The default no dmt bitrate maximum interleaved sets the maximum downstream and upstream
interleaved bit rate to 640 and 128 kbps respectively. This command causes the port to retrain.
The default no dmt bitrate maximum fast sets both the maximum downstream and upstream
fastpath bit rates to zero. This command causes the port to retrain.
The default no dmt bitrate minimum interleaved sets both the minimum downstream and upstream
interleaved bit rates to zero. This command does not cause the port to retrain.
The default no dmt bitrate minimum fast sets both the minimum downstream and upstream fastpath
bit rates to zero. This command does not cause the port to retrain.
Command Modes
Profile configuration.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Only the alarm subsystem uses the minimum bit rate settings. Cisco IOS asserts an alarm if the line card
trains at a rate below the configured minimum bit rate. However, no alarm occurs when you disable
alarms. See alarms in the Command Reference for Cisco DSLAMS with NI-2, for more information on
enabling and disabling alarms.
If alarms are enabled for the profile, setting the DMT bit rate to 0 disables the associated minimum DMT
bit rate alarm.
Table 2
lists the allowable DMT bit rate ranges and default values.
The DMT bit rate is given as a multiple of 32 kbps. If you enter a
nonmultiple of 32 kbps, the system rejects and aborts the command. See the
allowed ranges and default values in Usage Guidelines.
Specify the DMT fast latency path.
Specify the DMT interleaved latency path.
This command was introduced in a previous release.
The fast keyword was added.