Octal-Port DMT ATU-C Line Card
Configuration Tasks
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6)DA
Creating and Associating a DSL Profile with Each Port
Before starting this configuration task, install the 8xDMT line card. Refer to the Octal-Port DMT ATU-C
Line Card FRU Installation and Configuration Notes for information on installing the 8xDMT line card.
Starting at the global configuration prompt, use the following procedure to associate a DSL profile with
a port:
Verifying the DSL Profiles
You can use the show dsl profile profile-name command to verify that a DSL profile is attached to a port.
You can also use the show running-configuration command to verify that the DSL profile is associated
with a port.
If no DSL profile appears in the show running-configuration command output, the default
DSL profile is enabled. See the
“Command Reference” section on page 10
for the default
configuration values.
Modifying the DSL Profile
Starting at the global configuration prompt, use the following procedure to modify the default bit rate,
signal-to-noise ratio, DMT check bytes, and overhead framing parameters in your DSL profile:
Before migrating from interleave mode to fast path, determine whether the deployed CPEs offer
support for the feature. The Cisco 600 series CPEs currently do not support fast path.
Step 1
DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile 8xDMT
Select the profile that you want to attach to the
selected port. The profile name 8xDMT is used as
an example.
Step 2
DSLAM(config-dsl-prof)# exit
Return to the global configuration prompt.
Step 3
DSLAM(config)# interface atm1/1
Enter interface configuration mode on the port
where you will associate the 8xDMT DSL profile.
Repeat this process on each port that you wish to
associate with a DSL profile.
Step 4
DSLAM(config-if)# dsl-profile 8xDMT
Associate the DSL profile 8xDMT with
atm interface 1/1.
Step 5
DSLAM(config-if)# exit
Return to the global configuration prompt.
Step 1
DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile 8xDMT
Enter DSL profile configuration mode.
Step 2
DSLAM(config-dsl-profile)# dmt bitrate
maximum fast downstream 3200 upstream 640
Set a DMT bit rate of 3200 kbps downstream and 640 kbps
upstream on the fast path. Automatically configures the
interleaved path to 0 kbps.