Octal-Port DMT ATU-C Line Card
dmt check-bytes
Cisco IOS Release 12.1(6)DA
dmt check-bytes
To set upstream and downstream FEC check (redundancy) bytes, use the dmt-checkbytes profile
configuration command. To reset this command to the default value, use the no form of this command.
dmt check-bytes {fast | interleaved} downstream bytes upstream bytes
Syntax Description
Downstream: 16
Upstream: 16
Command Modes
Profile configuration.
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command causes the port to retrain when you change the check-bytes parameter.
Setting a parameter to its current value does not cause a retrain. If a port is training when you change
the parameter, the port untrains and retrains to the new parameter.
Conditions on the line, the configured bit rate, and the capabilities of the ATU-R CPE affect the
achievable value for this parameter. As a result, the check-bytes value to which the line trains may be
smaller than the value you configure. If you want to use more check bytes than the system is allowing
you, use the dmt bitrate command to reduce the bit rate.
Use the command show dsl interface atm slot#/port# to display the configured and actual check-bytes
values for the connection.
In this example, the command sets the interleaved FEC check-bytes for the default profile to
12 downstream and 6 upstream.
DSLAM# configure terminal
DSLAM(config)# dsl-profile default
DSLAM(config-dsl-prof)# dmt check-bytes interleaved downstream 12 upstream 6
Enter the upstream and downstream FEC check bytes. The allowed values
are 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16.
Specify the DMT fast latency path.
Specify the DMT interleaved latency path.
This command was introduced.
The fast keyword was added.