SVX8016 IP PBX System User Guide
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Select a pre-defined provision from the drag down list. System will apply the selected template
to this trunk automatically.
Trunk Name:
A description name for memorization.
IP address or domain name of the server.
The port used by the server.
User Name:
The user name, normally account number, obtained from the server.
The password of the auth name.
Auth Name:
The name used for authorization proposes, obtained from server.
Display Name:
A description name for memorization.
Expand the page to display the advanced feature settings of the trunk. Click again to return to
the basic setting.
DTMF Mode:
Defines how the extension handles DTMF signaling. Default is RFC2833.
Select yes to allow device to check if the server is reachable. The check arises every 2000 milliseconds if
the server is reachable.
Caller ID:
The Caller ID (CID) string used when this user calls another user or number.
Registration Time:
Defines the outgoing registration duration, range from 0 to 3600 seconds.
From User:
Override the caller id in the “from” sector of the SIP packages.
From Domain:
When making outbound SIP invites to non-peers, use your primary domain "identity" for the “from”
headers instead of just your IP address in the SIP packages. This is to be polite and it may be a mandatory
requirement for some destinations which do not have a prior account relationship with your server.
Outbound Proxy:
Send outbound signaling to the proxy instead of directly to the peer. Enter the Outbound proxy IP
address followed by “:” and the port number. For example
Call limit
The maximum number of simultaneous calls can be placed.
Select the codecs which can be accepted by this provision in order of the preference.
Time Condition Enable:
Tick to separate inbound call from office hour and off office hour.
Route inbound calls:
Select from drag down list that where do you want to route the inbound calls to.
Save the changes.
Discard all changes.
Submit the changes to the system to take effect.